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GUCI Summer 2019 Staff Preview

GUCI Summer 2019 Staff Preview

We are getting excited for summer 2019! Below, please find a preview of our fantastic staff! Counselors                          Lexie Waldman Emily Birger Josh Ryan Abby Lefton Zach Lashley Max Young Leah Dobres Danielle Castell Bari Lutz Hanna Marcus Julian Albright...

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First-Time Camper: What GUCI Parents Wish They Would Have Known

First-Time Camper: What GUCI Parents Wish They Would Have Known

Is it your child's first time at camp this summer? We have gathered 10 top tips that current/former GUCI parents wish they would have known before sending their child to camp. Send an early “welcome to camp” letter before your camper leaves from home so they have mail...

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Now Live – GUCI’s Online Store

Now Live – GUCI’s Online Store

Preparing for summer? Check out GUCI's online store and get your GUCI swag in time for camp! Please note shipping will take approximately one week so make sure to order well in advance of camp!

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GUCI Grows Leaders

GUCI Grows Leaders

How do you tell someone that they have untreatable cancer?  How do you comfort a family after telling them their loved one will never be able to speak or eat again?  How do you give feedback to a trainee who made a mistake that harmed a patient?

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Girls With Guitars

Girls With Guitars

I learned to play guitar on my Dad’s twenty-dollar, bargain purchase from Eaton’s. It was collecting dust in his closet and I thought I would give it a go. I really just wanted to play some of the old Peter, Paul, and Mary songs that he was so fond of so that we could sing together. I never thought of the possibilities or where that old six-string might take me.

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“I don’t know what I believe, but I believe in love”

“I don’t know what I believe, but I believe in love”

My name is Shakked Fainsod. I am 21 years old from Israel and I haven’t been to temple since the six’th grade. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into when I decided to go to GUCI. I have never been to an overnight camp, definitely not in the the US, and as much as “camp life” was unknown to me, the thing I was dreading the most were services.

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The GUCI Connection

The GUCI Connection

What do you think of when you imagine a “home”? For me, I imagine the feeling of security and shelter, the overwhelming flood of love and compassion, and maybe most importantly, the presence of family. Camp has no shortage of all of those things. Every facet of life at GUCI is engulfed by those qualities that create a home for so many people. It feels to me like the air at camp is different than elsewhere.

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