What’s new on the GUCI Blog?
Shabbat Shalom From Zionsville: A Message From Jeremy
Dear GUCI Family – I hope this note finds you and your family well and that you’ve all enjoyed a wonderful summer. At GUCI, as we look forward to welcoming Shabbat into our community, we know that when Havdalah concludes tomorrow evening, camp will soon be over....
Shabbat Shalom From Cabin 10
Each cabin at GUCI has the opportunity to lead the service. They work with our t'filah specialist to pick a service theme, select music and create a meaningful service for the rest of camp. For the final Friday night service of Kallah Aleph 2022, Cabin 10 (the oldest...
An Update From GUCI – May 2022
To our GUCI Family, Thank you for choosing URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute for your camper(s)’ immersive summertime experience. We are beyond excited to welcome everyone to camp for another amazing summer. Thank you for entrusting your child(ren) to our care this...
GUCIpalooza: the first in-person NFTY regional event since COVID-19 began. For the past two years, NFTY-Ohio Valley has organized virtual programming to try and keep NFTY thriving. With the loss of attendance and struggle to keep up in the face of a pandemic, it was...
Celebrate Hanukkah With GUCI!
On Tuesday, November 30 at 7 p.m. Eastern, join the GUCI family to celebrate the third night of Hanukkah. Featuring Dan Nichols (and yes, he will be taking requests! You can make requests when you register or during the event), we will light the Hanukkah candles,...
Summer 2022 COVID-19 Update
Dear Families, As Thanksgiving nears, we have so much to be thankful for at GUCI. After a summer away, our community was back together in Zionsville for a summer of in-person connections, friends new and old, and joyful Judaism. Today we are thankful that registration...
Important Update For Our URJ GUCI Community
Prior to the start of the 2021 camp season, the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) engaged a nationally-regarded, independent investigator to conduct a comprehensive and impartial investigation following several public reports of individuals in the Reform Jewish Movement...
A Note From Jeremy – August 27, 2021
Shabbat Shalom from Zionsville! It is hard to believe that this is the last Shabbat of August, and that it has been three weeks since we celebrated the final Shabbat of GUCI Summer 2021. Throughout the summer, we had more than 500 campers, staff and faculty join us at...
Saying Hello and See You Soon
At Goldman Union Camp Institute, we are incredibly blessed to have a fantastic Board of Advisors made up of alumni, camp parents and friends of camp. Our Board works to support the full-time team in alumni engagement, development and much much more. Every few...