by rwaldorf | Aug 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
Rituals and Traditions Dear Parents, As we come to the end of Kallah Bet, and the end of summer 2013 at GUCI, I can’t help but be proud of all that has been accomplished here this summer. One of the most important parts of this camp’s mission is the building of Jewish...
by rwaldorf | Aug 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
Where Judaism Can Take Me Goldman Union Camp Institute August 1, 2013 Cabin 7: Where Judaism Can Take Me OPENING SONG The Barchu is the beginning and preparation for services. Judaism has prepared me for living a good, Jewish life. From the very first day of camp my...
by rwaldorf | Aug 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
How Judaism Connects Us As a Unit Goldman Union Camp Institute August 2, 2013 Cabin 17: How Judaism Connects Us As a Unit Mah Tovu pg 192 [Part redacted by wish of camper] Please turn to page two hundred and twenty six and rise for the Barchu. Barchu pg 226 Jews...
by rwaldorf | Aug 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
The Long Road Home By Ari Kalfus Communications Specialist It is with a heavy heart that I say “Shalom, GUCI family!” for the final time this summer. As I finish my last few projects, I want to take the time to thank all of you for reading our blog and...
by rwaldorf | Aug 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
What Makes a Good Friend Goldman Union Camp Institute July 31, 2013 Cabin 2: What Makes a Good Friend OPENING SONG I love my friends that I make at GUCI. My first year at camp I had an invitation. I was scared but I made new friends on the way and I really am sad...