How We Create a Jewish Community

How We Create a Jewish Community Goldman Union Camp Institute July 23, 2013 Cabin 14: How We Create a Jewish Community   OPENING SONG The Barchu is an invitation to prayer. Ever since I can remember, GUCI has been the most inviting place in my life. Even the Jewish...

Final Night

Final Night By Ari Kalfus Communications Specialist   Shabbat Shalom, GUCI family! By the time you read this, we will be in the midst of another incredible Shabbat experience. This begins, as always, with our Shabbat Walk, which starts near the office and...

Blessings in Our Lives

Blessings in Our Lives Goldman Union Camp Institute July 27, 2013 Cabin 15: Blessings in Our Lives Bar Mitzvah ceremony of Kaden Hanks   Mah Tovu page 192 Our theme this Saturday morning is “blessings in our life.” This can be physical or mental. A blessing in my...

Recycling is Back at GUCI!

Recycling is Back at GUCI! By Josia KleinMachon Counselor   Less than a week ago, two Shoresh campers (Cabin 4’s Emma Z. and Ellie K.) decided they wanted to make a change at camp; they noticed a lack of available recycling and green-awareness at GUCI. [Editor’s...