Camp K’Ton (Day Camp)

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The Camp K’ton day starts at 8:45 AM, and ends at 3:30PM, Monday through Friday. 

Price Includes T-shirt, hot lunch, offsite trips (conditions permitting) and more.

Before Care (optional): From 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM- Includes hot breakfast and morning activities ($50 per week)

After Care (optional): From 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM- Includes snack and afternoon activities ($80 per week)

*****Sign up for any combination of 4 (or more) weeks and get $100 off your total tuition*****

camp k’ton

Camp K’ton is our day camp for local children ages 4-entering 3rd grade. Camp K’ton is the first opportunity for your child to experience the “magic” of Goldman Union Camp. It is an integral part of our camp community with all of the programs taking place on our beautiful, wooded, 58 acres campground.

Camp K’ton combines all of the creative and innovative programming of GUCI’s overnight camp in a day camp setting. Campers experience imaginative Jewish content programs which explore relevant themes, sports, games, swimming, music, drama, dance, and art, all integrated into each day’s activities. All Camp K’ton activities are done in small groups to ensure that each child gets individualized attention.

Suzan Feuer has been our Camp K’ton Director since 2015. Our well trained Camp K’ton staff are supervised by our Camp Director, Jeremy Klotz.


 2025 dates + rates 

K'Ton SessionFromToFee
Week OneJune 9June 13$300
Week TwoJune 16June 20$300
Week ThreeJune 23June 27$300
Week FourJune 30July 4$300
Week FiveJuly 7July 11$300
Week SixJuly 14July 18$300
Week SevenJuly 21July 25$300
Week EightJuly 28August 1$300