by rwaldorf | Jun 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Bunk Night By Sydney Kolker, URJ GUCI Camper Bunk Night is a special night that occurs twice each session. Campers look forward to the creative night planned by their counselors. The night in which Bunk Night takes place is a surprise for the campers, and each unit...
by rwaldorf | Jun 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
A Letter From Orly By Orly, URJ GUCI Camp Dog Dearest GUCI humans, My name is Orly, and GUCI’s Senior Assistant Director Rachel Waldorf is my human. I am so excited to be here with my new bestie Shemesh, whose humans are the Klotzes. All the other humans here...
by rwaldorf | Jun 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
A GUCI Shabbat By Sarah Silver, URJ GUCI Camper Candles flicker; illuminating faces singing with all their heart. Prayers echo as a community chants as one. Sweaty bodies jump in unison as song leaders make their way through the crowd. Campers twist and turn to the...
by rwaldorf | Jun 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
My First Non-GUCI Summer By Monica Valentini, Former URJ GUCI Camper and Counselor The past 11 summers with GUCI have been irreplaceable, unmatchable, and profoundly meaningful. I have had experiences that guided me to where I am now and have met the people who have...
by rwaldorf | Jun 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
10 Reasons I Come to GUCI By Leah Jacobson, URJ GUCI Counselor 1) Finding huge Jewish Community At home, some people may have larger or smaller Jewish communities and GUCI gives us the opportunity to know immediately from the beginning that we all share the bond of...