Service for July 23, 2014

Service for July 23, 2014 Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the...

Service for July 21, 2014

Service for July 21, 2014 Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the...

The First GUCI Comic Book is Ready to View!

The First GUCI Comic Book is Ready to View! by Sam Pollak, Judaic Studies Director Last session our community had the amazing opportunity to learn from Jordan B. Gorfinkle, the Jewish Cartoonist. Gorf, as he calls himself, was the editor of the Batman franchise for...

Conclusion to All Camp Shiur Kallah Aleph 2014

Conclusion to All Camp Shiur Kallah Aleph 2014 by Sam Pollak, Judaic Studies Director Today marked the end of our educational programs for Kallah Aleph 2014, and we closed with a culminating all-camp shiur that helped us review and frame all that we have done this...

Service for July 15, 2014

Service for July 15, 2014 Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the...