Service for July 15, 2014

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Service for July 15, 2014

Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist


GUCI Evening Service

July 15, 2014

Cabin 14: Characteristics


Opening Song

Every year I come back to Guci I get this feeling. It’s always good to come back. My first year, I didn’t know anybody, I always felt homesick. Now, when I see kids homesick, I cheer them up and tell them my experience. -Avi Pavin


You should put care into everything you do. My prayer, Ma’ariv Aravim is about the creation of night and day. Just imagine the care it took to imagine and create the enlightenment of the stars. If we put that much care into everything we do, everything could be nicer for everyone. But, that much is going to take effort, but so does everything. So, do everything with care, despite the effort, to make the world better for everyone. Isn’t a great world worth the effort? -Taran Smith

Maariv Aravim

Ahavat Olam


Mi Chamocha

When I first came to Guci, I didn’t really have a sense of protection. But, as I got to know people that changed. The Hashkiveinu is about protection. This is my second year at cam and as I still get to know people and make friends that sense of protection grows everyday. –Sam Goldstein


Leasership is one of the hardest qualies to have because it consists of so many other qualities, like qualities, like kindness, compassion, and devotion. Every community needs leaders. Moses and our ancestors lead the Jewish people long ago, just like Mark, Chase, and the Rabbis lead Guci. As we say the Amidah, think about how you can be a leader. -Caleb Ernst

Amidah (Avot VImahot, Gvurot, Kedushat Hashem)

Character to me describes who you are as a person, whether you are with your family, friends, or community, The Shalom Rav talks about peace, wholeness, and blessing, and depending on your character, you can spread it through the world. -Sammy Schwartz

Shalom Rav

Silent Prayer is a time when you feel at peace. The place where I feel most peace at is when I’m with my family on Shabbat. I also feel at peace during menucha. It’s a time when it’s not just me, but all of camp gets to relax and reflect on the day. During Silent Prayer, try to think about what makes you feel peaceful and why. -Eli Goldstein

Silent Prayer, Yihyu Lratzon

Everyone is unique. Everyone has a set of characteristics and qualities that makes us unique. If we don’t accept the qualities we have, we can never fit in with others. In Guci, people are pushed into tiny rooms and live together for 4 weeks. When each of those people appreciate their qualities, they accept how others are unique in their own way. Thus, they become a group like I have with my cabin. -Fletcher Guttman

Aleinu Lshabeiach

Mourners Kaddish

Closing Song Kehilah Kedoshah