Off the Rim

Off the Rim

Off the Rim By Josh KleymeyerSports Specialist My name is Josh Kleymeyer, and this will be my fifth summer as a staff member at GUCI. This past year, I was working as an Elementary School computer teacher. This summer, I am excited to lead and improve upon the sports...
The Image Between the Lines

The Image Between the Lines

The Image Between the Lines Goldman Union Camp Institute July 20, 2013 Cabin 9: The Image Between the Lines Mah Tovu Our service theme is “Image Between the Lines.” I feel like the first few days of camp play a role in the whole session. It is important because by not...
How Judaism Makes Us Better

How Judaism Makes Us Better

How Judaism Makes Us Better Goldman Union Camp Institute July 16, 2013 Cabin 11: How Judaism Makes Us Better OPENING SONG Being Jewish has bettered me by allowing me to understand others and their religions. Being Jewish, I’ve learned patience and passion. These are...
Sing Unto God

Sing Unto God

Sing Unto God “Shiru l’Adonai shir chadash; shiru l’Adonai kol ha’aretz” Sing a new song to God; all the earth sing to God.  – Psalm 96 Dear Parents, Goldman Union Camp Institute is defined by so many different components that go into making it such a special...
How Music Affects Prayer

How Music Affects Prayer

Cabin 3 Service: How Music Affects Prayer Goldman Union Camp Institute July 18, 2013 Cabin 3: How Music Affects Prayer OPENING SONG When you turn your radio on in the car, you’re ready to sing. It’s the same with the Barchu. You know you’re ready to pray when you say...