by jshkolnick | Jun 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
shoresh day off Yesterday was the greatly anticipated Shoresh Day Off! This is a day that only Shoresh campers get to have away from their normal schedule. It is full of fun activities and a trip off camp to an exciting location. Shoresh Day Off this year was a little...
by jshkolnick | Jun 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
we all need some tikkun Today Shoresh travelled all over camp to learn about Tikkun, which means to repair. They learned about how it is important to repair their community and themselves! Shoresh started at the sports field and were asked to make a choice when given...
by jshkolnick | Jun 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
goodbye garin kallah aleph Today marks the end of the first two weeks of first session. This also means that Garin Aleph is over. During their Shabbat free time yesterday, Garin packed to go home. Their luggage was stored on the Mercaz Tochnit, reminding us that soon...
by jshkolnick | Jun 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
it's yom sport Yom Sport finally arrived and we couldn’t have been more thrilled. Campers thought Wednesday was the special day but were disappointed when they realized it wasn’t. We woke up for roll call at the Old Pool to sing and greet each other for the day. The...
by jshkolnick | Jun 17, 2012 | Uncategorized
we love project We decided to interview Leah Finkelman, our Project Director, to learn a little more about Project and see what she has in store for us this session! “This is my second year directing Project, and I could not be more excited to be back at camp....