What is a Mesibah?
Mesibah means party! This is going to be a fun weekend of camp reunions, activities, Shabbat and more.
What will be happening at the event?
We will have a variety of activities including a GUCI-style Shabbat, electives (art, archery, Migdal/Climbing Tower), and much more!
my child doesn't go to guci, can they still attend the event?
Absolutely! This event is open to all Jewish youth; though a majority of them will be current/former GUCI campers.
How will my child get to the event?
The event will be here at Goldman Union Camp Institute in Zionsville, Indiana. You are welcome to bring your child or carpool with another family. Some cities may be pulling together to rent a van to bring participants as well.
If your participant is flying, please note the following:
– GUCI will be doing one airport pick up on Friday, September 13 at 4:30 PM Eastern.
– Please make sure your child lands with enough time to get themselves to baggage claim, get any baggage they may have, and meet the GUCI staff on the curb at 4 PM Eastern.
– GUCI will be doing one airport drop off on Sunday, September 15 at 11:30 AM Eastern at departures.
– Please make sure to schedule your child’s flight with enough time to check baggage, get through security, and get to the gate.
Please email your flight information to inadel@urj.org. For day of flight emergencies, please call Ilana at 513-257-9139.
Can participants drive themselves?
No. Participants are not permitted to drive themselves to this event.
What does my child need to bring with them?
We will provide a packing list with details, but plan on them bringing bedding, towel, toiletries and enough clothes for three days (and something to get messy in!).
What if my child takes medication?
We will have a medical professional onsite throughout the weekend to handle medication disbursement.
What if my child has special dietary needs?
Our kitchen is prepared to handle all dietary restrictions. Just let us know in the paperwork and we will make sure your child has plenty to eat!
How much does it cost to attend the event?
The price for Midwest Mesibah is $300, which includes all programming costs, meals and merchandise.
The final day to register is Sunday, September 1, 2024.