Shabbat Shalom From Cabin 10

Shabbat Shalom From Cabin 10

Cabin 10 Service, july 8, 2022 Each cabin at GUCI has the opportunity to lead the service. They work with our t’filah specialist to pick a service theme, select music and create a meaningful service for the rest of camp. For the final Friday night service of...
An Update From GUCI – May 2022

An Update From GUCI – May 2022

To our GUCI Family, Thank you for choosing URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute for your camper(s)’ immersive summertime experience. We are beyond excited to welcome everyone to camp for another amazing summer. Thank you for entrusting your child(ren) to our care this...


GUCIpalooza: the first in-person NFTY regional event since COVID-19 began. For the past two years, NFTY-Ohio Valley has organized virtual programming to try and keep NFTY thriving. With the loss of attendance and struggle to keep up in the face of a pandemic, it was...
Celebrate Hanukkah With GUCI!

Celebrate Hanukkah With GUCI!

REGISTER FOR THE EVENT HERE On Tuesday, November 30 at 7 p.m. Eastern, join the GUCI family to celebrate the third night of Hanukkah. Featuring Dan Nichols (and yes, he will be taking requests! You can make requests when you register or during the event), we will...