How We Can Be Heroes
Goldman Union Camp Institute
July 28, 2013
Cabin 12: How We Can Be Heroes
The Barchu is the preparation to pray, just like batter is to crumb cake. Our service theme today is “How to be a hero.” You can be a hero by making a difference in the causes you care about. I do that by giving tzedakah and performing mitzvot. You can relate that to crumb cake because each mitzvah is like one crumb in the tasty cake that is living a good life. – Joshua S.
The Ma’ariv Aravim is a prayer talking about distinguishing night from day and the creation of the earth. God is a hero because of him creating the earth in six days. We should all respect God for what he did. – Jonah S.
Ma’ariv Aravim
We are all heroes. All in different ways. Sometimes it is easier than others to be a hero. We all have the moment when we pick up trash or recycle or help a friend. There are so many ways to be a hero with acts of kindness. In Ahavat Olam, we reflect on the rest of the day. After being a hero we can look back at the rest of the day and think about the great inputs you put in the community. – Sammy C.
Ahavat Olam
When I heard our theme I thought, “This is going to be easy.” So then I thought about it and I said to myself, “We can be heroes in ways like being nice or even taking the fall for someone.” So if you think about it, we can all be heroes. – Zach G.
Moses was a hero. You can be too. I’m not saying that you have to split the sea, but to be a hero you can watch out for family or protect them. Also you can protect your friends and make the world a greener planet. That is how you can be a hero. – Andrew A.
Mi Chamocha
How can you be a hero? By flying around with your fancy wings and punching villains? Nope. You may not notice it, but we all are heroes. Planting seeds, watering plants, enjoying life. These are all things heroes do. So why become a villain? Pick up trash and do other things that are good for the earth on your way back to your cabin until you notice there is something missing. Is being a hero only being good to the earth? No. It’s how you treat everything around you. – Arthur C.
I think I could be a hero by studying about others, such as the matriarchs and patriarchs because they helped others to have better lives. A time I’ve been a hero is giving to multiple charities, such as charities that help people with disease, hunger and more. Giving to those charities makes me feel like a hero. – Everett B.
Shalom Rav
During Silent Prayer I think about GUCI and its community and the beautiful nature here and I think, “Can I be a hero here?” So I try to be a hero every day and help everyone. And remember, you can be a hero too. – Jonah G.
Silent Prayer
We can all be heroes. One way we can all be heroes is by volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to be a hero. Everyone at GUCI is a hero. In the Aleinu it says, “Giving us a destiny unique among the nations.” Some people’s destiny could be to be a hero, other people other things. We all have the power to be a hero. – Sam G.
Anybody can be a hero. During silent prayer you might think about how Superman and Green Lantern are saving the world, but anyone can be a hero on a much smaller scale. It can be as simple as finding someone’s water bottle. So when you see someone needs help, don’t think Superman, think you. – Jacob S.
Our theme is being a hero. I try to be a hero every day, whether it’s picking up trash or playing with my sister when she wants to. Being a hero helps me show my full kindness and potential. Being a hero can be hard sometimes, but as long as I know it’s for good, nothing stops me. – Eli G.
Kaddish Yatom
Our service theme is how we can be heroes. I think everyone can be a hero. The reason I think this is because if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. This is why I think anyone can be a hero. – Isaiah J.