The Image Between the Lines

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The Image Between the Lines

Goldman Union Camp Institute

July 20, 2013

Cabin 9: The Image Between the Lines

Mah Tovu

Our service theme is “Image Between the Lines.” I feel like the first few days of camp play a role in the whole session. It is important because by not judging your cabin mates is how you can make friends throughout the whole session. I have friends that I have kept all the way since Garin. The Barchu is the beginning and by not judging those around you, you can go all the way to the Kaddish Yatom or the end. – Ashley S.


Darkness. Many people might think of it as a negative thing. They like the light better, where you can see clearlyand not be afraid of your surroundings. But G-d made light and darkness for a reason. I don’t know about you, but I see the beauty in darkness. How beautiful the moon is on a cloudless night. Think about it. As people, it’s normal for us to be awake in the daytime and asleep at night. So wouldn’t it feel weird if things were flipped? Having to sleep with the sun in your eyes and having to walk around, sometimes blindly, in the night? In the Yotzeir Or, we thank G-d for G-d’s creations and how beautifully G-d fashioned it. I hope you all read between the lines now and thank G-d with me. – Alex W.

There is a big difference between hearing and listening. The world is a very interesting place with a lot of interesting things and ideas. The Sh’ma is about listening and paying attention. To me, listening means hearing and absorbing the information. A lot of times, people just zone out, because they get bored. Listening, which is the image between the lines, is one of the most important things a person can do. Just take a minute to listen to someone who’s talking to you, or plan silence because there aren’t any downsides to it. – Ally D.


[Part redacted by wish of camper]

Mi Chamocha

When you first look at the Amidah, you may just see a long prayer praising G-d, but if you look between the lines of the Amidah, you may find something different. You know when we go on our tiptoes during “kadosh, kadosh, kadosh?” Well, we do this to try and be closer to G-d. Closer to G-d can be anything from trying to be more G-d-like or holy to getting his blessing, so in a way the Amidah isn’t just a prayer praising G-d; it’s also blessing you. – Rachael S.


Peace. When you think of this word, you may think of people getting along, a peace sign, or a world without war or fighting. But consider this. Peace: a place of absolute silence and serenity where you can be alone with yourself and your thoughts. – Andie C.

Sim Shalom

I don’t pray like everyone does. During the silent prayer, I see an image of us together on Shabbat, eating, singing, dancing, laughing, and praying. I look to my left and right and see my friends. I guess that’s all I need. [Name redacted by wish of camper]

Silent Prayer

Torah Service


When looking at the Kaddish Yatom, some people may think about how a loved one has passed or that someone is very ill. When I think about the Kaddish Yatom, I think about a deceased person’s life – all the things they have done for the world and just the little things they have done in life that have made a positive impact on you and everyone around you. – Leah J.

Kaddish Yatom

Yom Zeh L’Yisrael