Saturday Shabbat Service for July 19, 2014
Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist
Shabbat Morning Service
July 19, 2014
Cabin 1: Magical Moments
Mah Tovu pg 192
Please turn to page 226 and rise for the Bar’chu.
This reminds me of the first time I went to my school. I was in 1st grade, I was probably the shyest of all the kids and I was the new kid. I didn’t make that many friends, because I was shy. But, in 2nd grade, I had the best teacher and I made more friends, because I got less shy. In 3rd grade, I knew basically everyone in the grade. It’s a miracle to me and I’ll never forget it. –Sara
I remember my 1st year at school. The only people were my 3 friends. I knew there was the rest of the class to meet. Just like the 1st thing on Earth, nothing with it. How it relates to me is my 1st year at actual school., it was the most magical afternoon in kindergarten. -Faith
Bar’chu pg 226
Creation, a magical moment which we all will remember. Yotzeir Or is a time to think about it, because G-d did some great things to make the world beautiful. –Morgan
Please join with us on page 228.
Yotzeir Or pg 228
A magical moment for me is when the Jews became one of the holy land of Israel. –Celia
During the Holocaust, some of the parents would put their kids in an orphanage so the Nazis wouldn’t hurt them. A rabbi wanted the kids to know that they were Jews, so he’d go to this orphanage and tell the owners to give him all of the Jewish kids. The kids didn’t know that they were Jews, but in spite of that, he tried every night. One night, he went to the orphanage as usual, but instead of telling the owner to give him the Jewish children, he simply asked to speak with the kids before they went to bed. After talking with them, he sand the Sh’ma, and one after another after another started singing along and soon everyday was singing the Sh’ma. The Sh’ma is about unity, and in this story, the Sh’ma united the Jewish children of the orphanage. To me, that is pretty magical. -Emma
Please turn to page 232 and rise for the Sh’ma.
Sh’ma/V’ahavta pg 232
The Mi Chamocha is my favorite song because it is about being free from Pharaoh. Miriam wrote it after Moses split the red Sea which was pretty magical. What is magical for me is my family, “Why” you might ask? It’s because they give me shelter, food, drink, kindness, and 100% love. -Madison
Please join in the Mi Chamocha on page 240.
Mi Chamocha pg 240
One of the most magical moments of my life is Guci. Guci is like my second home. It is magical for me because all of the scenery is so fairy tale like; it makes me think camp in general is magical. The magic is part of what keeps me coming back. –Abby Peltz
Please turn to page 242 for the Amidah.
Amidah pg 242
My magical moments happen at night when it’s most peaceful. At night, you can hear crickets, see fireflies and more. The quiet environment at night is the most magical and peaceful for me. During the Sim Shalom, think of the most magical and peaceful place you’ve been to. –Eliana
My prayer is the Sim Shalom and it means peace. I have a connection to that and it is a magical moment when my sister and I do not fight and joke around together. It is magical because we will get to spend the rest of our lives together and that is why I picked Sim Shalom. -Emilie
Please join in Sim Shalom on page 258
Sim Shalom pg 258
A magical moment in Silent Prayer would be that we all get to pray about what we want. Everyone has different things that they want to pray about. Whether it’s about your family, friends, your house, your pet, or anything that you want to pray about and I think that’s pretty magical. -Lauren
Please pray silently.
Silent Prayer
One magical moment in the Torah is when Moses comes down Mt. Sinai with the 10 Commandments. I think that it should teach us to trust each other so we can do magical things together. If we trust each other, we can do anything! –Miriam
Please rise to take the Torah out of the ark on page 364.
Torah Service pg 364
Torah Blessings pg 368
Please join in the Aleinu at the bottom of page 586.
Aleinu pg 586
Before I was born, my Grandmother had breast cancer. Luckily, she worked extremely hard, and eventually, she got better. When I say the Kadish Yatom, I think of all the patients that weren’t as lucky as she was. A magical moment in my life was hearing her story. It inspires me to help the cause and that’s pretty magical to me. -Annie
Please join in the Kaddish Yatom on page 598.
Kaddish Yatom pg 598
One of the most magical moments for me is 2 years ago when I went to Worlds of Fun, an amusement park in Kansas City for my 8th birthday. I went on a ride called the Prowler, which was my 1st roller coaster. When I got to the top of the 85 foot drop, it felt magical spiraling; because I could see how far I was going down. That’s just one of many magical moments. -Ava