Service for July 14, 2014
Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist
GUCI Evening Service
July 14, 2014
Cabin 2: Inspiration
Opening Song
The Bar’chu is a call and response to G-d. G-d is an inspiration to some people in almost all religions. It doesn’t have to be just Judaism. My inspiration is the musicians. I like Demi Levato, she inspires me to keep going. –Izzy Lashley
I am inspired by my parents, because I want to be just like them! They love me and always care for me! They also always help me when I need help! That is why my parents inspire me! –Maddie Snyder
Maariv Aravim
My inspiration is my family. But the person who gives me the most, is my sister, she is really nice and makes me laugh a lot. She’s my inspiration. –Talya Castell
Ahavat Olam
My family inspires me in a way others can’t. When it comes to music and arts, I usually go to my sisters. Most of the time when I need help with other things, I go to my mom and dad. Sure, other people can help, but unlike them, my family does it because they want to, not because they have to. So, think to yourself, who inspires you? Please rise for the Sh’ma. –Lilly Houser
Stories are inspirational to many people, if it’s inspiring because of the idea of the story or that it is a story. It inspires you to make a difference, make a story, or it can change you as a person. – Emma Herzig
Mi Chamocha
Inspiration is all around us, but peace is what inspires me. Peace inspires me to do my best and try and help others. War and hatred are all over, so peace is important in my life and others. – Anna Levy
My inspiration is my friends and family, because they taught me how to be a good person, be friendly, and care not only about myself, but other people also. Because of my friends and family, I can be the best person I can be. – Carrie Emerman
Amidah (Avot V’Imahot, G’vurot, Kedushat Hashem)
Guci inspires me to have a good time, have fun and do lots of fun things. I’ve gotten better at basketball, tried milk in my cereal again, and did activities that I’ve never done before in my life! Guci is the best camp I’ve ever been to! – Elise Kerstine
The Shalom Rav inspires me to choose the right choices like peace over war. It also says help others before you help yourself, and when you help others, you inspire them to help. –Rebecca Davisson
Shalom Rav
The Silent Prayer is a minute to reflect and pray about personal things. Silent Prayer inspires me and maybe will inspire you some of you to think deep down inside things that we want to reflect on. Silent Prayer inspires not only us, but Jewish people everywhere to pray about the Jewish people in Israel who are having a hard time. I think Silent Prayer is a great thing to do every night. –Eve Smiley
Silent Prayer, Yih’yu L’ratzon
Once your past Shoresh or even Garin, you have decided, “Guci is my camp” People at home ask you, “Why Guci?” I say, because I know that there is no lake or bikes, but Guci is probably magical. It’s like a good book. Once you hit the action, you can’t pull your head out, even for dinner. You read it until you wake up in the morning sleeping on your book. Guci is like there, just more powerful. Most friends come and go during life, but Guci inspires me to stay with my friends forever. Thanks Guci! -Bella Weksler
Aleinu L’shabeiach
GUCI is the place to celebrate our religion, make new friends, and have fun! But what inspires me the most is being together if I had to choose. GUCI is awesome! -Kayla Geller
The thing that inspires me the most is called the man in the red bandana. This story is about a man during 911. He put everybody in the building’s needs before his. Unfortunately, he died in the incident. But, he died saving people’s lives. He wore a red bandana around his face, so nobody knew who he was. But, they all thanked him very much. That is what inspires me the most – how he risked his life to save other people. That takes true kindness. –Zoe Klotz
Mourner’s Kaddish
My inspiration is friends and family. But, GUCI is more than friends, it’s family. –Nora Butter
Closing Song