Service for July 29, 2014
Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist
GUCI Evening Service
July 29, 2014
Cabin 8: Confidence and Class
Opening Song
Yesterday our cabin climbed the Migdal. I know this sounds cheesy, but it taught me a life lesson about confidence. I had to be confident that I would reach the top despite only using one of my legs, and I had to be confident enough to set my goal of doing so. Similarly, I had to be confident that my cabinmates would reach their goals, and I had to boost their confidence by cheering them on. This lesson also applies to everyday life. When we are confident in ourselves and in the people around us, everyone is happier. – Raya Aberbach
As Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’m possible.” When you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything. Whether that is climbing the Migdal and reaching the top, winning a race, or just anything, having the confidence in yourself can help you reach your goal. – Izzy Silverman
Maariv Aravim
Ahavat Olam
Being yourself is very important. If there was no variety, the world would be a boring place. When I was younger, I used to want to be exactly like my role models, both the good and the bad. Now I take good personality traits from many people to make myself a better person. The Sh’ma is about oneness. God is one. You are one. Be yourself. – Leah Schwartz
This year I’ve really gotten to know myself – both my strengths and my flaws. I’ve also started to find my inner confidence. Some of my friends completely do not care what other people think and always stay themselves. They don’t change for others. My goals is to become more like them, because to me, that’s what confidence is. – Evie Krislov
Mi Chamocha
When I think of class and confidence I know these two words definitely do not apply to me. This may sound upsetting but not everyone can be as classy and confident as Audrey Hepburn. I have learned to accept and embrace the fact that I am different, and that there is no one else like me. There is no other Sydney from Pittsburgh who is ditzy instead of classy. There is only one and will only be one of me and one of you. Why not embrace the idea that it is ok to be you and not worry about being someone you’re not. This sounds scary and impossible, but everyone has to power to live a life that they are proud of. – Sydney Goldberg
Amidah (Avot V’Imahot, G’vurot, Kedushat Hashem)
Shalom Rav
Being confident is a good thing, however, being overconfident is not. Confidence is not only self pride, but believing in yourself and in others. A person must have self confidence in order for them to be strong, but they don’t need to put people down. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” In other words, this pretty much means that what other people say about you shouldn’t affect your opinion of yourself or make you upset. If you let it get to you, it will. If you don’t, you’ll be much better off and you can stop worrying. During the silent prayer, think about how you love yourself, and others, and have confidence in what you’ve done. – Hanna Kaufman
Silent Prayer, Yih’yu L’ratzon
Courage. Up until now, I’ve never had any courage. I didn’t even know what courage meant. I still don’t understand what courage is, but even though I don’t understand much about courage I know that I have enough courage to trust and believe in all my friends. Whether they’re here with me right now or back at home, I give them my trust because they’ve let me earn their friendship. – Randi Chunderlek
Aleinu L’shabeiach
One day on the radio, I heard “You’ve gotta live like you’re dying” and immediately stopped what I was doing. I don’t know why that phrase touched me, but it did, and I’ve always loved it. Everyday since I’ve always approached decisions as if it were the last I was going to make. Even over trivial things like what to wear in the morning. This has given me confidence in a way I’ve never encountered before and enables me to live my life the way I want and without others’ negative influence. I’m able to enjoy my life more because of this mindset and so I challenge you, for the next choice you have to make, to choose something you would want to be remembered for. – Maia Davidson
Mourner’s Kaddish
We wake up everyday. We go through the motions of our routine, and then we find ourselves asleep, waiting for the sunrise to rouse us. Confidence is imperative to breaking the chains of repetitiveness. Self love and self expression blend into a recipe of bliss and excitement. Timidity restrains from the pleasures of life. Confidence, not lack of class, makes the world simply better. – Emma Duhamel
Closing Song