Introducing Our New Camp Director, Jeremy Klotz!
We are pleased to introduce the GUCI community to our new Camp Director, Jeremy Klotz. Jeremy spent the summers of his youth growing up at GUCI; his father, Rabbi Ron Klotz, was the beloved GUCI camp director for 36 years until 2011. For the past 13 years, Jeremy has served GUCI as a lay leader on the Camp Committee. A graduate of Indiana University and DePaul Universiy College of Law, Jeremy also attended Hebrew Day School at the Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis, studied abroad in Tel Aviv University, and serves as a member of the Wexner Heritage Program. Prior to his Camp Director position, Jeremy enjoyed a 13-year legal career where he advised clients on a myriad of risk management and employment issues, and chartered efforts for non-profit boards and fundraising.
Jeremy’s enthusiastic dedication to Jewish education, camp, and community-based values will serve him in creating a dynamic environment, where campers and staff can evolve as people, and as Jews. Like any great camp director, Jeremy understands the importance of building strong partnerships and relationships between the camp and regional Jewish professionals. A product of GUCI himself, Klotz and his wife Melissa, met and fell in love at camp as kids nearly 25 years ago. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Zoe and Maya.
Jeremy will officially begin his position at GUCI on October 27th; Mark will conclude his position on November 30th, which will ensure a seamless and thoughtful transition.
We want to extend a warm thanks to Rabbi Mark Covitz for his dedicated leadership to GUCI and his deep commitment to guiding our youth throughout their Jewish journeys. We wish him and his family well as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
As we move onward and upward, we look forward to Jeremy’s leadership, and the support of the GUCI community. Registration is open now for what we are sure will be an unforgettable summer of 2015!