GUCI Dictionary
By Gabi Schneider (Director of Communications), Chase Foster (Programming and Judaic Studies Director) and Casey Wright (Art Specialst and Senior Program Assistant)
We love talking in GUCI slang here at camp. Check out our GUCI Dictionary so that you have some background when talking to a GUCIite!
Camp K’ton: Day camp for ages 4-8; means “Little Camp”
Garin: Our youngest overnight unit; rising 3rd and 4th graders; means “seed”
Shoresh: Unit for rising 5th and 6th graders; means “root”
Gezah: Unit for rising 7th and 8th graders; means “trunk”
Anaf: Unit for rising 9th and 10th graders; means “branch”
Avodah: The oldest unit on camp who support camp by cleaning and assisting with day to day tasks, and are known for their enthusiasm; means “work”
Daily Programs
Nikayon: “Cleaning” of the cabins
Shiur/Limud: Educational programming centered on our session education theme.
Ivrit: Creative Hebrew programming
Omanut: Art
Shirah: Singing
Chug: Choice activity hour for all units; switches every 2 weeks
Nosaf: Additional choice activity. Similar to chug, but switches every week
Chaverut: Cabin activities; means “friendship”
Other Programs
Yom Sport: Our camp color wars. A surprise until the day of where we spend the day on “color” teams and compete in a variety of activities.
Bunk Night: A surprise night that occurs twice a session. Cabins cook out on their own and counselors plan bonding activities for the cabin.
Boker Balagan: A surprise “morning of craziness” with longer choice activity options instead of a normal schedule.
Project: A musical performed by Anaf campers at the end of the session. The musical is unknown to the rest of camp until the day of Project.
Beit Am: means “The People’s House”
Braychah: Pool
Chadar Ochel: Dining Hall
Mirpa’ah: Infirmary
Oolam: Social Hall
Mercaz Tarbut: means “the center of culture”
Mercaz Chevrah: means “the center of society”
Beit Tefillah: Our outdoor chapel
Teyatron: Outdoor Theater
Migrash Sport: Sports field
Mirpesset Misrad: The “porch of the office”
Migdal: Our climbing “tower”; every cabins gets the opportunity to climb it once a session
Garin Getaway: A day trip off camp for Garin
Shoresh Day Off: A day trip off camp for Shoresh
Yom Tiyul: A two day, one night camping trip for Gezah
Kesher: A three day, two night camping trip for Anaf; means “connection”