The Way We Pray…Online!
Hello, GUCI family!
We at GUCI are excited to announce that we will begin publishing our cabin’s services online. Throughout the session, each cabin gets the opportunity to lead a service in front of all of camp in our Beit T’fillah (outdoor sanctuary). Each camper writes a service part in preparation for this event. We are now sharing these service parts online!
During each cabin’s meeting with Matti Barzilai, our Hebrew and Tefillah Specialist, they are informed of this new procedure. Campers, if they are uncomfortable with the idea of putting their posts online, are given the options of removing their name from their service part, or removing their service part from the published version entirely.
Service parts will begin to be published in the next few days. We are excited to begin sharing our campers’ inspirational thoughts with their families and the greater GUCI community! Let us know what you think about this new service (no pun intended) in the comments below!