Thank You GUCI
By Jeremy Klotz, Camp Director
I write to you today with mixed emotions. This summer has been a tremendous success; this summer is coming to an end.
We have a great deal to celebrate as a community. We celebrate the successful launching of our two newest programs: the Taste of GUCI (two-week first-time camper program) and Nosaf (one-week elective offerings). We celebrate the incredible work done by our dedicated, compassionate and well-trained staff. The success of our program starts and ends with them. We celebrate a great first step in re-engaging the Jewish professionals in our region who support and advocate for camp, and who serve as Faculty at camp during the summer. The connection GUCI builds with the communities we serve is critical to our long-term success, and our partnership with Jewish professionals to create new programs and enhance existing programs is essential.
We celebrate the exceptional Reform Jewish community that we’ve created this summer. There are few things more powerful than living together for an extended period of time in an intentional, nurturing, experiential Jewish community with hundreds of people who share similar Jewish backgrounds. Judaism is the norm here, devoid of the daily distractions of everyday life, like school, work, and extracurricular activities. We intentionally weave Jewish culture and practice throughout our traditional summer camp experiences. We are much more than a summer camp where Jewish kids go to have fun. We are a Jewish summer camp where kids grow into confident, compassionate, connected members of the Jewish community. It also happens to be a blast!
Most importantly, we celebrate the fact that our campers had a fantastic time, learned and tried new things, made life-long friends, and enjoyed the comfort and inclusiveness of our Reform Jewish community. Our campers are standing tall because they’ve gained self-confidence and self-esteem during the summer. I know that my own kids have gained a new level of independence as well. They’ve successfully navigated a month away from home where they had to (under the caring supervision of their talented counselors) brush teeth, shower, dress, remember to wear glasses, choose what to eat, make friends, learn how to ask for help when they need it, navigate conflict, choose activities, etc. without their parents weighing in. After each of the last four summers, I’ve been so impressed with my oldest daughter’s personal growth as a result of this supervised independence. On one hand, it’s hard for me to accept that my girls are growing up. On the other hand, I’m so impressed with their growth during the summer, and am so thankful that GUCI offers them the opportunity to grow in such a comfortable and nurturing environment.
As we move into the final Shabbat of the summer, I feel a great sense of pride in our accomplishments, and am already looking forward to next summer! Opening Day is only 319 days away!
Jeremy Klotz, Camp Director