goodbye garin kallah aleph
Today marks the end of the first two weeks of first session. This also means that Garin Aleph is over.
During their Shabbat free time yesterday, Garin packed to go home. Their luggage was stored on the Mercaz Tochnit, reminding us that soon their parents would be picking them up.
Even though the youngest unit on camp was only here for two weeks, they had an eventful stay. They climbed the midgal, went on Tikun Olam, led a service, had bunk night, and even performed in Chug Presentations. Many Garin campers wrote in their service parts that they had learned many things in Shiur, enjoying Bunk Night, and climbing the Migdal.They also mentioned how they were definitely going to be coming back next year! We are happy to know that even though the summer is over for them, their time at G.U.C.I. has just begun.
This morning Garin counselors said goodbye to Garin Kallah Aleph campers. They helped them load their things into their cars and gave last minute hugs. We are sad to see them go, but we must get ready for Garin Kallah Bet on Tuesday. And we can’t wait to see what awesome adventures they get to do.