Opening Day Kallah Aleph
Opening day has finally arrived! Our gates opened at 2 p.m. and the check-in station was flooded with eager and excited campers asking, “What cabin am I in?”
Staff was ready at their cabins to greet campers and help them unpack. Returning campers sought out their friends and new campers explored camp. By 3 o’clock most of the campers had arrived and the areas were buzzing.
Mark and Max sat down with new camper parents to inform them on anything they wanted to know. And by 4 p.m. G.U.C.I.’s gates were closed as campers said their goodbyes and settled into their cabins. They were introduced to their units and learned their unit cheers. Throughout the night they will be getting to know their cabin-mates and counselors. After unit meetings, we all reconvened together in the Chadar Ochel for dinner. Which was followed by an amazing songsession that sounded like everyone had been here for weeks. Songsession then set the mood for nightly services.
Campers eased back into the camp atmosphere by picking up a game of Frisbee with their counselors or taking a stroll around camp with friends. It’s almost as if they never left. And although today is one of the busiest days on camp, it also is one of the best. Campers reunite with friends, G.U.C.I. Alumni reminisce, and counselors start a new journey for the next four weeks. We are excited to have our first meal of summer 2012! The units will be able to show off their newly learned cheers, catch up with friends or make new friends. This summer is already off to a great start!