Trading Attitude for Gratitude
By: Mia Hollander, Anaf Camper
This is my sixth summer at GUCI. Last year I was a 13 year old girl and I definitely had some attitude. Continuing to come back to camp, however, was the best choice I have ever made.
The community camp gives is the most welcoming I have ever encountered. Two nights ago, my cabin talked about how much GUCI changed us. In a nutshell I said two main ways camp has made me want to come back each and every year. First, the people; without camp I wouldn’t have ever met my best friends. They humble me and inspire me. Some I have known for years and some I honestly have known for a few days. Secondly, the camp experience. As much as I and many other people may want to, we can’t take camp home. But, I have never left camp without taking home a better version of myself through the lessons I learned here.
No matter if you are a 13 year old with an attitude or a shy 8 year old, it is never to late for camp to do it’s magic. In conclusion, I am proud to say I am a better person in the name of GUCI.