Kesher Builds Community
By: Daniel Kahn, Trip Coordinator
Kesher is a 3 day, 2 night camping trip that all of Anaf goes on during the 3rd week of the session. It is a chance for GUCI’s oldest unit to get away from camp, connect with nature, and be together without any distractions. The unit is broken up into smaller teams for the trip giving campers in Anaf a chance to create friendships outside of their cabins. The entire program really allows campers to get outside of their comfort zones and grow both as individual and as a unit. Every day leading up to this trip Anaf goes to a Kesher activity block, learning valuable camping skills, how to set up a tent, how to build a fire, etc. All of these skills will be needed in order to be successful during the trip.
This year the unit will be going to Lake Mississinewa camp grounds in northern Indiana. They will spend a day at the beach, get a chance to go out on pontoon boats, and compete in a cooking competition; it is a jammed packed couple of days! I remember going on Kesher when I was in Anaf, and I cherish the memories created through the experience. I now have the chance to run a program for the Anaf campers and give them the opportunity to create lasting memories as well. I can’t wait for next Tuesday when we will be leaving on the final Kesher of the summer!