by rwaldorf | Aug 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
Why Camp Matters By Rabbi Rachel Maimin, Faculty I still remember it as if it were yesterday.It is the end of my first week at Kutz Camp.We have thoroughly cleaned our cabin, Hill 1.We have gotten ourselves ready for Shabbat –20 girls sharing one bathroom,hair dryers...
by rwaldorf | Aug 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
Minion-Minyan Mania: Count Me In By Rabbi Judy Chessin, Faculty Let’s talk minion. OK? Now the question is are we speaking Minion or Minyan? How do you say Hello in Minion? Bello. In Minyan? Shalom Goodbye: Minion Poopaye… Minyan: Shalom Of course we all know the...