Repairing The World: One Soda Tab At A Time
By Gabi Schneider, Director of Communications
Every morning, our entire camp community gathers at the Old Pool for roll call. We start our day by praying together as we sing Modeh Ani and the Shema. We end by singing L’takein, where we say the blessing to thank God for giving us the opportunity to repair the world.
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, Shenatan lanu hizdamnut l’takein et haolam.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who has given us the opportunity to mend the world.
As Jewish people, we have an obligation to perform Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Cabin 3 has brought the words of this blessing alive and engaged the camp community in their endeavors.
Last year, this group of girls began collecting soda tabs from the soda consumed at camp, in order to donate them to the Ronald McDonald House of St. Louis. These now rising 5th and 6th graders wanted to support a charity and do something to give back.
The idea sprouted from campers who had a connection to the charity. One camper, Sarah Malter, mentioned that her mom has always been on the board for Ronald McDonald House. She explained, “I look up to [my mom] and it really means a lot [to] me that we do this type of thing.”
Every day, during the two 30-minute chofesh (free time) blocks, someone from Cabin 3 is by the soda machines to collect soda tabs from the rest of camp.
With each soda tab donated the Ronald McDonald House will get 10 cents. The Cabin set a goal of 1,000 soda tabs by the end of the session, making a $100 donation. Currently, they have collected 1070, surpassing their goal.
What’s so amazing about this is the entire project is run by the girls of Cabin 3– not the counselors. The extent of the counselors’ role is making announcements to the rest of the camp community at meals, in order to remind them about the project.
The counselors are so inspired by their campers, and the passion and growth that has come from this project. From their perspective, these young ladies truly understand what they are doing is Tikkun Olam. They are branching out from their cabin to build relationships with others in and outside their unit.
It’s the personal drive the girls in this cabin have that make what they are doing so touching. They have a personal commitment to the success of this project. They aren’t just doing this because they know giving back is the right thing to do. These girls understand collecting soda tabs, even just one, will support families that have children in the hospital.
And what’s even more remarkable is they have ideas for expansion. At camp, these include placing collection containers near the soda machines and office, making signs for trash cans, making announcements every few days during meals, and including a soda tab count update in the morning slideshow at breakfast. They are even excited about the possibility of this blog post helping their endeavors. Outside camp, collecting in temples and at garage sales is on the list.
While our session is coming to an end, the motivation to continue this project is years to come isn’t. It has already been decided that the soda tab collection will continue at camp next year. The girls will be in different units, but they plan to continue collecting as Cabin 3 2015 from here on out.
When the total for the session is in on Sunday, GUCI will match that total with a donation of 10 cents for each tab to the Ronald McDonald House of St. Louis, up to $250.