Happy Passover from GUCI
Dear Friends:
The celebration of Passover asks us to remember an incredibly challenging time in Jewish history. We tell the story of how the Israelites were slaves in the Land of Egypt. We speak about how difficult, stressful and unjust those circumstances were. Through the Seder, we try to imagine what it must have been like to be a slave.
Enslavement in Egypt, unfortunately, is only the first in a long list of examples of times when the simple act of living a Jewish life proved challenging and, too often, life-threatening. Whether it be the Passover story, the persecution and attempted genocide of Jews during the Shoah, the attempts to balance acculturation and assimilation with religious practices in the United States, or recent anti-Semitic events unfolding throughout the world, we have endured trials and faced tests that have required significant effort to overcome.
As I think about those difficult times, and my own personal experiences with the challenges of being Jewish, I see clearly how critically important Goldman Union Camp has been in my life. I already realize the significant role GUCI plays for my two young daughters. There are not many places in the world where the normal daily challenges and obstacles with being Jewish are virtually eliminated. At GUCI, celebrating Judaism is natural. It’s easy. It’s what we live every moment of every day.
For decades, GUCI has created a welcoming, inclusive, and experiential community where campers and staff proudly and enthusiastically live Jewish lives. Every aspect of our program focuses on creating and embracing our faith and through that, our community. Every day we discuss Jewish topics, celebrate Israel, and sing in Hebrew. The shared feeling of pride is palpable, and the members of our community return home energized and inspired by their experience, eager to remain connected to Judaism. They return charged and ready to face and even overcome the routine challenges our world may throw their way as progressive, open minded, caring, inclusive Jews who know their voices make a difference.
This Friday night, as I celebrate Passover with my family and retell the story of Exodus, I will again, as I am every year, be grateful to be a part of this fantastic GUCI community, and thankful that it remains a leading force in who I am and a significant part of my life.
Chag Pesach Sameach – Happy Passover!
Warm Regards,
Jeremy Klotz
Camp Director