Shabbat Morning Service for July 26, 2014
Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist
Shabbat Morning Service
July 26, 2014
Cabin 5: Little Miss…
Mah Tovu pg 290
I chose Little Miss Belief because I firmly believe that believing in yourself, others, and G-d is a very good ability to have. I challenge you during the service to maybe believe in yourself after all, you know best. The Bar’chu is about preparing for prayer much like getting up in the morning; it can be hard, but it always pays off with a good day. -Grace Rhein
Please turn to page 313 and rise for the Bar’chu.
Bar’chu pg 313
I am Little Miss Creative. The Yotzeir Or is about creation. When G-d was creating the world, he had to be creative. Do you think you could think of the idea of light? How about the cycles of light? Think of a butterfly, it starts off as an ugly caterpillar, then goes into a cocoon, and then comes out as a beautiful butterfly. Don’t you think that took some creativity? The Yotzeir Or is a creative prayer about creativity. Try to be creative whenever you can. It makes life so much more interesting, I promise. -Aisling Nielsenshultz
Yotzeir Or pg 313
The Ahavah Rabbah expresses G-d’s love for the Jewish people. G-d had perseverance by loving us all these years. I show perseverance through dance. I practice, go to class and competitions. I am little miss perseverance. -Alyssa Strongosky
Please join in Ahavah Rabbah on page 317.
Ahavah Rabbah 317
I’m Little Miss Confident. Confidence is hard to find. But, if you do find it, hold onto it. I dance many days a week and cheer everyday. Both sports require a lot of confidence. For me, confidence comes easily. In dance and cheer, I am normally the one who gets picked to show how to do something. This gives me a lot of confidence. Having confidence makes it easy for me to make friends and have fun. I encourage you to try to find confidence in yourself, it’s worth it. -Shayna Codd
Please turn to page 318 and rise for the Sh’ma.
Sh’ma/V’ahavta pg 318
I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are a child of the Israelites in Egypt. All of your life you lived under the cruel and merciless Pharaoh. But, suddenly the plagues begin to happen and after the tenth plague they have been set free. When you reach the Red Sea, Moses lifts his staff and the sea parts, and comes crashing down on the Egyptians. Finally, justice has been served. I want to be like G-d or Miriam or Moses in the story helping to bring justice to the people around me. I don’t like it when people say life is not fair, whether it be giving tzedakah to a foundation in need, settling an argument between friends, I want to make the world around me a fair place. I want to be Little Miss Justice. -Bettina Ernst
Please join in the Mi Chamocha on page 322.
Mi Chamocha pg 322
Our ancestors are a big part of our lives. In the Amida, there is a part called Avot v’imahot which is about our ancestors. Both good and bad things have been passed down from them. Generation to generation, all the way down to us. I am so thankful for our ancestors. Without them, we would not be where we are today. I am Little Miss Thankful! -Jolie Mallah
Please turn to page 323 for the Amidah.
Amidah pg 323
I always try to be positive. I am a glass half full kind of person. Having a positive attitude helps me have more fun and confidence. So, smile a little bit bigger, it’s the best thing someone can wear. -Megan Fleisher
Please join in Sim Shalom on page 334
Sim Shalom pg 334
Please pray silently.
Silent Prayer
Please rise to take the Torah out of the ark on page 364.
Torah Service pg 364
Torah Blessings pg 368
My theme, which is Little Miss Unique, relates to the Aleinu, because the Aleinu means appreciating what makes us unique. Everyone’s unique in their own way. The Aleinu talks about how G-d made us unique and we appreciate that by saying the Aleinu. Our theme relates to Guci, because each one of us here is special. The theme relates to me, because I am different from everyone else, but in a good way. When you say the Aleinu, take some time to appreciate the fact that you are good and you are unique. -Zoe Fetzer
Please join in the Aleinu at the bottom of page 586.
Aleinu pg 586
Please join in the Kaddish Yatom on page 598.
Kaddish Yatom pg 598
Hello, I am Ellie for those of you that don’t know and I am the biggest dork I know. So, that’s why I’m Little Miss Dork. You must think I am crazy for telling you all this, but the key to having fun all the time being a dork and admitting it. Some people don’t want to be a dork, but instead just sulk all the time, but trust me, being a fool and enjoying yourself is a lot more fun than sulking by a wall. So, go out there, be a dork and have fun. -Eliana Kaufman
Closing Song