Service for July 20, 2014
Shalom! Almost every evening at camp, we have a different cabin lead T’fillot (services). Each camper writes a part and reads it before all of camp in between the prayers we say or sing as a community. This way, every camper gets the opportunity to share something of themselves with the wider camp, and to teach the community something about their values, Judaism, or their connection to our prayers. Our cabin services make each of our T’fillot that much more unique and meaningful. —Jacob Kraus, T’fillah Specialist
GUCI Evening Service
July 20, 2014
Cabin 6: Dedication
Opening Song
To be dedicated to something such as sports is a huge commitment. Whether you want to be something big in the word to just doing it for fun. The passion and excitement I have to working hard and having fun is so accomplishing. When I have the confidence and motivation to reach for my goal, I can keep going and push myself through anything and knowing in the end that you fought through the pain is such a great feeling. I have learned and discovered over the years, finding what you truly love to do no matter what, really does put an impact on you. -Havah Frank
Ma’ariv Aravim
Dedication is important to everybody. It is the glue that holds everything and everyone together. The Ahavat Olam talks about G-d’s love for the people of Israel. G-d is dedicated towards them, and they are dedicated towards G-d. As Jews, we must be dedicated towards each other because there are not many of us. Dedication is so important, because it shows others that you care. -Rachel Edidin
Ahavat Olam
I think dedication is important. You can be dedicated to a lot of things whether it’s a sport or even just staying healthy. For me, it’s staying active with my community and religion. What are you dedicated to? -Julie Golder
Guci is like a community. We help each other and are there for each other. We all pitch in when something is needed and that is dedication. Guci is something that I am proud to be a part of. –Rachel Davison
Mi Chamocha
Dedication is important. If my friends and I were not so dedicated towards each other and Judaism, we would have never formed our temple’s 1st youth group. To this day we are still dedicated towards it, we plan meetings, bring things in our groups room, and we even get together when we don’t have meetings planned. We have become like brothers and sisters. None of this could be possible without dedication. -Peri Gretta
The Amida is about our ancestors and our theme is dedication. I think it’s really nice that our Guci community is dedicated to bringing back the traditions that our ancestors started. Like our Shabbat services and birrkat ha’mazon. I call this true dedication that we’ve saved these traditions for so long. -Liora Wulfsohn
Amidah (Avot V’Imahot, G’vurot, Kedushat Hashem)
Back at home, my Mom chairs a non-profit rescue which is where we take abused animals and find them new homes. Because of this, I feel dedicated to help and save other suffering animals. When I am able to go to Israel in a few years, I hope to not only learn about my culture, but help the stray animals that wander the streets without a home. -Maddy Gruenberg
Shalom Rav
Since I was 3, my family has moved around the world. But, during Silent Prayer when I thank G-d, I realized that moving doesn’t change my dedication to G-d or to Judaism. You shouldn’t let a change in your life affect your dedication to G-d either. -Jayne Reines
Silent Prayer, Yih’yu L’ratzon
Aleinu L’shabeiach
I dedicate my time by volunteering at a place called 4 Paws. There, I help train dogs to be with underprivileged children. I do it for the children, not just to be with the dogs. If I and the other volunteers had not given our time, some children would be left empty handed. -Claire Sabin
Mourner’s Kaddish
I’ve played competitive chess for the last 4 years. This year, I competed in state and ended up 2nd place from 700-800 rated players. Until now, I never really stopped and thought about how much practice went into that. All those times I wanted to quit, but I didn’t because I lost a game I shouldn’t have, or I was sick of practicing. When I started chess, my ultimate goal was to place in state or nationals and I never thought it would be possible. But, I realized if you dedicate yourself to practicing something, goals can become reality. -Jolie Pressburger
Closing Song – Kehilah Kedoshah