Conclusion to All Camp Shiur Kallah Aleph 2014
by Sam Pollak, Judaic Studies Director
Today marked the end of our educational programs for Kallah Aleph 2014, and we closed with a culminating all-camp shiur that helped us review and frame all that we have done this session.
The shiur opened with the final confrontation between Captain Chutzpah (Judaic Studies Director Sam Pollak) and Dr. Dilemma (Director Rabbi Mark Covitz), in which Dr. Dilemma, exasperated by his previous plots being foiled, stole the camp copy machine and cloned himself into three Dinky Doctors. Captain Chutzpah enlisted the camp to deal with his nemesis by asking campers to gather the proper tools to fill his utility belt. These tools would be the middot (Jewish virtues) from the summer, and the camp would gather them by reviewing the middot-centered cartoons they had drawn in the past two days with Gorf, the Jewish Cartoonist.
Throughout the morning, campers had the chance to browse galleries of their cartoons to see their others’ artwork on display. Cabins then discussed their observations from the galleries, thinking about which cartoons and middot reminded them of themselves and which they would like to take with them in the future. Everyone then decorated picture frames for their comics, which symbolized how living middot is a frame of mind that we can continue to cultivate all the time. All cartoons and frames will be going home with campers at the end of the session.
The morning finished with the dramatic conclusion to the Captain Chutzpah and Dr. Dilemma saga. Captain Chutzpah realized that, even after all the hard work GUCI had done over the course of the session, Dr. Dilemma simply would not go away. In the end, Dr. Dilemma and Captain Chutzpah realized they could peacefully coexist, and Captain Chutzpah could use the middot he learned from the summer’s Jewish characters positively to face all the dilemmas life would throw his way.
Although our study theme of Jewish Character and Characters has come to an end, we hope the learning and living of middot we began this summer will continue for the entire GUCI community. Looking forward to another wonderful session of learning in Kallah Aleph 2015!