Meet Nina & Shayna!

Meet Nina & Shayna! Shalom!  We are Nina Price and Shayna Warner, the Camper Care Coordinators and also mothers of GUCI campers.  Nina will be working Kallah Aleph and will have a son enrolled in Shoresh and a daughter enrolled in K’ton.  Shayna will be working...

Meet Chase, Our Program Director!

Meet Chase, Our Program Director! Shalom! My name is Chase Foster, and I am so blessed to be returning to GUCI this summer as your Program Director. Born and raised in Cincinnati, I first set foot at GUCI in 1995 as a Shoresh camper. I spent years as a camper,...

Meet Our Avodah Unit Heads!

Meet Our Avodah Unit Heads! Shalom from GUCI, We are your Avodah Unit Heads this summer! Our names are Michael Mintz, Rachel Lyon and Casey Wright. Michael and Rachel are in their fifth year on staff at GUCI and Casey is in her fourth. Michael and Casey are from...

Meet Leslie, Our Administrator!

Meet Leslie, Our Administrator! I am beyond excited to be at GUCI this summer! This will be my 19th summer on camp and I can’t imagine spending this summer any other way! As the baby of the family, when my mom packed up my older siblings in addition to herself for a...

Meet Sam, Our Judaic Studies Director

Meet Sam, Our Judaic Studies Director Shalom! My name is Sam Pollak, and I’m excited to be the Judaic Studies Director at GUCI! This is my second summer in this position, and I’m thrilled to be able to work with our counselors again to help our campers learn and...