Meet Nina & Shayna!
Shalom! We are Nina Price and Shayna Warner, the Camper Care Coordinators and also mothers of GUCI campers. Nina will be working Kallah Aleph and will have a son enrolled in Shoresh and a daughter enrolled in K’ton. Shayna will be working Kallah Bet and will have her older son enrolled in Shoresh and her younger son enrolled in K’ton. Both of us are thrilled to be at camp this summer and are also excited for our kids to to be first time Shoresh campers!
As Camper Care Coordinators, our job is to help support the emotional and social growth of campers and work with counselors to help them meet the needs of each individual camper. We are here to be a “mom” away from home and address any particular needs that arise. Our prior experience working at camp, professional training, and being moms provides us with a unique perspective and skill set that will help make this summer a terrific experience for everyone at GUCI!
Nina comes to GUCI from Morgantown, WV, with a Master’s degree in Jewish education and is currently working on her M.Ed. in special education. While growing up in CA, she spent her summers starting at age 10 at Camp Young Judaea West. Nina is excited to bring her prior camp, educational, and professional experiences to GUCI where she can utilize them to support all campers and nurture and inclusive community at camp.
Shayna comes to GUCI from St. Louis with a Master’s degree in Social Work as well as a background in education and teaching. She has been involved in informal Jewish education with the URJ in a variety of different camp and youth programs, as well as many years of experience as a camper and staff member at GUCI. For Shayna, GUCI holds so many fond memories and she is excited to be able to support a new generation of campers as they encounter the magic of the GUCI experience this summer.
If parents would like to speak with us about the individual needs of their children, they should feel free to contact us at camp (317-873-3361). We want to hear from you and utilize your knowledge of your children to make their transition to camp smooth and positive.