Celebrating 39 Years of Brotherhood
by Joe Slade
This Thursday, May 1, will mark the 39th time that a particular group of dedicated men has assembled at Goldman Union Camp to donate their time towards making camp a better place. In 1975, Bernie Solomon, a camp parent from Temple Congregation Shomer Emunim in Toledo, Ohio, noticed “things around camp that needed repair, replacement, new paint.” In conjunction with the Shomer Emunim Brotherhood, he offered to come out and do some work to benefit the camp. Bernie and others have been coming back ever since. In fact, he’s only missed 2 weekends in those 39 years.
After some time, the group grew through contact with the camp Board, and the event has been open to anyone who is a member of a synagogue Brotherhood. This year, almost 30 men will participate—alumni and fathers of current staff and campers—coming from all over the Midwest and as far away as Washington, D.C.
If you’ve ever been to GUCI, you’ve benefited from the Brotherhood’s work: sat on a bench in the Chadar Ochel, or in the Beit T’fillah, danced on the Mircaz Chevrah, or sat in the shade on one of the many porches around camp—mostly built during these weekends over the years.
This year, the Brotherhood will work on several different projects:
- Building the Beit Mirkachat (Pharmacy), an attachment to the Chadar Ochel, which will enable medication dispensing through a window into the dining hall;
- Renovations to staff living space in the Beit Am;
- Staining the Mircaz Chevrah, our outdoor pavilion;
- Creating a new parking lot for staff vehicles;
- Repair of benches in the Beit T’fillah;
- Construction of new benches for the Chadar Ochel;
- Painting the Avodah building;
- Installing drainage systems in the Boys’ Area.
Year after year, these men come back to camp to give back and enjoy each other’s company. If you’re interested in participating in future years, please be in touch with Joe or Mark in the office!