What Makes a Good Friend

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What Makes a Good Friend

Goldman Union Camp Institute

July 31, 2013

Cabin 2: What Makes a Good Friend



I love my friends that I make at GUCI. My first year at camp I had an invitation. I was scared but I made new friends on the way and I really am sad when I leave camp. I like being myself. I like how my friends care for me and love me. At GUCI you have so many friends you make. That is the magic of GUCI. This relates to the Bar’chu because you get an invitation to becoming a true friend. And this is an invitation to beginning of services. – Alanna S.


Ma’ariv Aravim

On my first day at camp my friend’s mom got hurt. I comforted my friend. That is how I am a good friend. My prayer, the Ahavat Olam, talks about love. I love and care for all my friends. – Aleeza S.

Ahavat Olam

Our theme is what makes a good friend. And at the end of the Sh’ma when I say l’olam va-ed, which means “now and forever,” it reminds me of how when I make new friends I try and stay their friends forever, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. – Elli R.


Our service theme is being a good friend. The way the Mi Chamocha connects to this theme is that miracles wouldn’t happen without friendship. To me, the first week of camp was a miracle. It was really hard for me to come to camp because I hate leaving home for a long time, but my BBF (best brother forever) helped a lot to get through my fear. Then I made TONS of new friends. Now my whole cabin is my best friend. Like hope and justice, which are some key ideas of Mi Chamocha. – Aisling N.

Mi Chamocha

In the Hashkiveinu it talks about the shelter of peace and protection. In a good friendship, you should be peaceful with your friends to make them feel protected. In the GUCI community, friendship is key and peace is our goal. Our theme today is what makes a good friend and in the Jewish community everyone is a friend. Me and my sister fight all of the time but in the end we notice peace is what we need. – Mia H.


Friends are a great thing to have, but I don’t know how to make a friend. Sometimes I refer back to a phrase that I read on a Rabbi’s bracelet, “what you do matters.” That’s when I think, “services.” It’s when we put our arms around each other, and this powerful energy just pours into me and my future friend. After the service, I will almost always talk to the future friend, and then we become an unbreakable pair, and I wonder who will be next? – Courtney W.


At GUCI everyone has peace and shares it with each other. But it might not seem that way on the outside. But it is in the inside on their hearts. I have been blessed with good friends that care for me and help me in times of need. At home I have friends who sometimes fight. When they do, I always try to make peace between them. – Megan B.

Shalom Rav

Our theme is how to be a good friend. How I have a good friend is to always think what do I look for in a friend. I always think during silent prayer how can I be a better friend. On the first day of camp, I was so scared to talk to cabin mates to try to make friends. But then I thought it’s the only way I can get through my first year at camp. I think any friend is a good friend. – Emma S.

Silent Prayer

The Aleinu is a prayer thanking God for making the Jewish people unique. I think uniqueness is a good quality for being a good friend. Think about it. Aren’t each and every one of your friends unique? If you were the same as everybody else, your friends could have easily picked up someone else to be their friend. You picked your friends because of their unique and special values. [Name redacted by wish of camper]


In the Kaddish Yatom it talks about life, and throughout life you make friends. Our cabin theme is what makes a good friend and when I really think about it, all friends are different, so there is not really a set of traits for a good friend. Some friends you make, and others you are born with. Like my brother. My 7-year-old brother is my best friend and no one can top him. He sets my standards for a good friend. He is kind, funny, and loyal. I love my brother. Life is full of good friends like him. – Sasha D.

Kaddish Yatom