What We Are Searching For
Goldman Union Camp Institute
July 25, 2013
Cabin 5: What We Are Searching For
Three years ago was when I first came to camp and I’ve got to admit, I was pretty scared. It was my first time at a sleep away camp. My first time not sleeping in my room. And my first time being somewhere with so many people who have the same religion as me, and knowing almost no one! But then after a while, I started getting a lot more friends, but at the same time, I still missed my mom a lot. But after about two weeks, I had more and more fun and wasn’t as homesick anymore. Now, it’s my third year at camp and I have the most amazing friends ever, and I’ve met most of them all here at GUCI. So I guess what I’m looking for in my journey is friends as great as the people at GUCI. [Name redacted by wish of camper]
The Ma’ariv Aravim mentions the cycles of life. So what am I searching for in life? Best friends, sisters, and a second home where everybody cares about me and where I care for everybody. Looks like I need to stop searching, because GUCI has everything I’m searching for. – Dani G.
Ma’ariv Aravim
Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you. Maybe you just need one person. The Ahavat Olam is about God’s love for the people of Israel. The Israelites were searching for someone to love and care for them, and God did just that. Here at GUCI, we all care for one another, and that is why the Ahavat Olam stands out to me: it’s a prayer about what we do most at camp, whether we are aware of it or not: love. – Rachel E.
Ahavat Olam
The Sh’ma is about listening and I’m searching for someone to listen to me like everyone else. However, when we sing the Sh’ma God listens so I already have that. So what I’m really searching for is a home that I know will always be there. And I think GUCI is that place. – Jayne R.
I flew to camp from Ann Arbor, Michigan. My flight got delayed; the plane broke. They said they would get another plane, but of course that took a while. While I was waiting, I kept hoping the plane would come faster so that I could get to camp and see all my friends. This moment reminds me of the Mi Chamocha because it talks about escaping from Egypt, and all I wanted to do at that exact moment was escape from the airport. – Danielle C.
Mi Chamocha
This is my third year at GUCI. All of my years here, I have been finding things. My first year, I found that GUCI is a magical place filled with ruach and acceptance. I met so many friends that will last a life time. In the Hashkiveinu, it talks about God sheltering us and providing peace and protection for us. Just like in the Hashkiveinu, I am provided with peace and protection at GUCI. – Julia W.
Our service theme is “What we’re searching for.” At first I didn’t have a clue, but then it came to me. I’m searching for success – not just in school or sports, but at my Bat Mitzvah. I want to be able to just get up on the bimah and be successful like my sisters, grandparents, and dad did, following their steps and doing what they did. That’s how I want to be successful. – Emma H.
What I am searching for is wholeness. Each experience I’ve had is a piece of a puzzle. This had been a very big experience for me. Meeting new people, getting better with Hebrew and learning to be more responsible. Now I have a new piece to my puzzle. – Rachel D.
Shalom Rav
[Part redacted by wish of camper]
Silent Prayer
What I am searching for on my journey through life is an end to bullying. I used to get bullied when I was little because no one accepted that I’m a part of a Jewish community. As the years have passed I have realized that everyone is different and unique. It doesn’t matter if you come from a Christian or Jewish heritage, all that matters if that you trust your opinion. – Julie G.
The Kaddish Yatom talks about the promise of life. To me, this promise is a crazy journey filled with twists and turns and the occasional backtracking. This promise is also that, if we look hard enough, we will find what we are searching for. It will be easy to capture concrete things, but sweet emotions such as acceptance and emotions will be a struggle to obtain. God makes a pact with us in Kaddish Yatom. It’s a promise of finding those indescribable things. It’s a promise of every lifetime to be filled with them. If we really want them. If we try hard enough. – Tess K.
Kaddish Yatom
When I heard the theme was “What we are searching for,” I have no idea what to write. But a couple days ago when I climbed my biggest fear, the Migdal, I realized the answer. Everyone is searching for something different. But what everyone is searching for is a place to feel comfortable and a “home away from home.” So as you sing this last song think about what you’re searching for! – Maya N.