Goldman Union Camp Institute
Havdallah: July 20, 2013
Geza Worship Chug
Opening Songs
Havdallah is a transition from Shabbat to the rest of the week. My most recent transition was coming here to camp, GUCI. When I first got on the bus I was so nervous that I dropped my stuff on the bus and lost my toothbrush. I was going to miss everyone back home. But eventually I knew I would have a family here and I do. Even though in Havdallah we have to say goodbye to Shabbat, we never know the new family we might make in the rest of the week. – Maya N.
A big transition in life for me is coming to GUCI. Mostly good transitions like getting to see my friends and have an awesome time. GUCI is a great transition for me. – Jacob A.
When I first came to GUCI, I was scared and nervous because I had never been away from home. But after a few days, I realized that GUCI is like a second home to me. Deciding to come to GUCI was a very positive turning point in my life. – Max S.
Transitions are the time when your world blinks briefly, and when it opens its eyes, a new color has been added to the irises. Havdallah is the transition times between holy times and regular times. After every single Shabbat, especially at camp, my perspective on life is slightly changed. This change can be for better or for worse, but whatever it is, it gives even the normal days new meaning. Really, a transition is just the moment in which you can appreciate how the special will forever affect the simple. Think about how Shabbat’s spirit and power can change your day-to-day life during this Havdallah service. – Tess K.
When I turned ten, we moved into a new neighborhood. This affected almost everything in my life, including local friends and the poor we went to. When I got to my new house, I met so many new friends, which proved that all changes (including the change from Shabbat to a normal day) happen for a reason. – Daniel S.
My life changing moment was the first time I came to camp. It taught me to be myself and to not care about what others think. – Ethan S.
Over my six years of sleep away camp, I’ve been to two other Jewish overnight camps, neither of which spoke to me the way GUCI does. GUCI is a magical place like no other, where you can forget about all your problems and let the acceptance and togetherness soak in. GUCI has taught me how to be passionate in what you believe, how to be determined and confident, and how to embrace my Jewish heritage. – Evie K.
May 25th, 2013. The day my entire life had been leading up to. The day I donned a tallis for the first time. The day I was accepted as an adult in the Jewish community. In other words, my Bat Mitzvah. – Raya A.
My biggest transition in life was probably my transition to GUCI for the first time. I thought, “I’ve never been away from home for more than a week, and now I’m going away for four!” But after I had been here for a few days, made some friends, and got the hang of things, I felt at home and have been coming back every year since then. – Jack P.
A major turning point in my life was when I went to a new school. In my district, there were two other elementary schools and all of them had to fit in one building. I feel like Shabbat was like elementary school, preparing me for the rest of the week. – Zachary L.
Something that was a turning point for me in my life is GUCI. GUCI really has changed me. Over the years, I have learned to be myself, to love who I am, and to love being Jewish. Best of all, I have made lifelong friends who will always be there with me. GUCI really is my home away from home. – Hanna K.