Respect and Judaism
Goldman Union Camp Institute
July 24, 2013
Cabin 1: Respect and Judaism
The Ma’ariv Aravim means that we are thanking God for the earth and all of its wonderful contents. I think of the world as not for humans. I think the humans are just protectors of God’s wonderful work of art, but we have not succeeded. We have taken over the world for ourselves and have been the opposite of respecting God and Judaism. Think of it like this: you’re making the world’s most delicious cookies and you add all the ingredients and last you add a little something to give it a little kick and your cookies explode in the oven. How would you feel? Disappointed that it didn’t work out? I think that’s how God feels. The Ma’ariv Aravim is a way to express your love for cookies. – Bella W.
Ma’ariv Aravim
When I found out our theme was Judaism and respect I thought about what respect meant: treating people the way you want to be treated, and then I chose the Ahavat Olam, which means I love God and God loves me, and that is why the Ahavat Olam is so special to me. – Rebecca D.
Ahavat Olam
The Sh’ma is about listening. And you have to be respectful to hear what you are listening to. – Sydney E.
In Judaism you have to respect lots of things, like prayers and God. You respect prayers like the Barchu, Mi Chamocha, and many others. – Lilly H.
Mi Chamocha
The Hashkiveinu thanks God for letting us fall asleep each night, with peace and protection. We should be respectful during this prayer because it is thanking God for letting us fall asleep safely each night. – Anna L.
I respect my parents by not talking back and doing what they tell me to do. I sometimes clean my room and I am quiet when they tell me to be quiet. This relates to the Amidah because when you say the Amidah, you are showing your respect for your ancestors and thanking them for what they have done. This reminds me of how I respect and thank my family for all they have done to keep me safe. – Zoe K.
I think peace is really important in life, because without peace we would be crazy. Peace is just like respect; without respect we would be mean. I think you should be thankful for having Judaism because it is respectful to God. – Deanna G.
Shalom Rav
When I’m respectful to God I pray to God. When I pray to God that’s what makes me Jewish. It’s important to be respectful to God because without God there wouldn’t be life on earth or earth and that universe wouldn’t be as joyful. – Jackie F.
Silent Prayer
The Aleinu relates to the whole GUCI community because we are all different in our own unique ways. But, it’s also good to relate to others. I think it’s special that we’re Jewish and can relate as a community while still being ourselves. I have learned from Judaism to be respectful and know that everyone is beautiful and can connect with God in their own way. – Orli F.
Respect relates to the Mourner’s Kaddish because when somebody – in this case family members – passes away, the still-living family can name their family newborns after the passed family members and that is showing them respect. – Isabelle L.
Kaddish Yatom