Cabin 5 Service
Goldman Union Camp Institute
June 24, 2013
Cabin 5: Jewish Dreams
Judaism is an endless sea of dreams. Reoccurring themes of peace and forever praising God are ever-present amongst countless prayers and writings of Judaism. In the Bar’chu, it says “Praised be the Lord to whom our praise is due, now and forever!” This statement expresses the dream that Adonai will be worshipped for eternity. In relation to modern issues, women’s rights to pray out loud at the Kotel are non-existent. Many protesters have required the assistance of the police regarding their safety. A dream that I share with many is a dream of having equal representation in religion, no matter your gender and or your race. What are your dreams and what will you do to achieve them? Please rise for the Bar’chu. – Hannah
To me a dream is a goal, a task, or something that gives you purpose to wake up every morning. The Ma’ariv Aravim talks about having an ever-living life. My dream is to make Jewish history. In order for that to happen I need to a live an ever-living life by exploring and trying new things. – Grace
Ma’ariv Aravim
My Jewish dream is everybody will have peace with Israel. The Ahavat Olam talks about God’s love for the people of Israel. We can use God’s love for us to make peace for others. What is your Jewish dream? – Abby
Ahavat Olam
Do you know how to build a Lego tower? My Jewish dream was built in a similar way. I started with simple, big, basic thoughts. These are the base to the tower that will never leave or be rearranged. As I grow older, my dreams of Judaism become more complex. For example, instead of just thinking about having a Bat Mitzvah party, I will think about some of the prayers I will say during the service. As my dreams become more meaningful, the blocks in my tower become smaller and the way each piece is put in matters. The Sh’ma relates to my Lego tower because it is a piece of my base. I have heard the Sh’ma my entire life and it has helped shape my Jewish dreams. – Sarah
The Mi Chamocha relates to our theme because we all can have our own Jewish dreams that we want to reach as individuals. This theme also relates to the GUCI community because GUCI can and does have some Jewish dreams that we eventually fix and achieve. As Jews we all can have dreams for the future to improve our Jewish community and our individual lives. Lastly, our theme relates to me because for me I have future Jewish achievements that I would like to reach. – Alex
Mi Chamocha
The Hashkiveinu says, “Keep us from war and anguish; remove from us the evil forces which abound on every side.” This is Israel’s dream. Israel is a land filled with war and is surrounded by countries that are not exactly Israel’s friends. Israel dreams of peace and the Hashkiveinu helps them sustain that dream. One of my Jewish dreams is to come back to camp each year. One thing I love about camp is the Hashkiveinu. The melody is calming and helps to bring a sense of peace over me. – Leah
The Amidah explains what we believe in and what we will believe in the future. When we go to GUCI, all the people and events will encourage us and our dreams to become more religious. And by dreaming more about out Jewish future we will become a strong, holy community. Please rise for the Amidah. – Alison
Shalom Rav means great peace. The GUCI community possesses a vast quantity of peace. Even though song session creates a lot of noise and craziness, it brings us together as a community in a peaceful way. My dream for the Jewish people is to come together to form a community like GUCI’s. – Samantha
Shalom Rav
As a Jewish nation, our everlasting, unbreakable dream is to carry on the Jewish beliefs and traditions; L’dor V’dor from generation to generation. Each one of us plays a part in the widespread community, either in passing on the Jewish beliefs or by passing on your own unique envisions. The silent prayer, or T’filat Halev, literally means “prayer of the heart”. After a long exhausting day it is a time for the Jewish people as individuals to connect with God. Each one of us has our own personal ways to express ourselves to God, just as each one of us has a variety of dreams for the future. One of the reasons I love Judaism is that it is an endless sea of dreams that creates a strong variety; no matter what your opinions, hopes, or dreams consist of, you will be accepted. Please pray silently. – Emily
Silent Prayer
The Aleinu talks about how people are unique among nations in a way that everyone’s dreams are different – even our Jewish dreams. My personal Jewish dream is to be able to grow up and go to services and stay a part of the Jewish community. As we grow older our dreams can be big and our beliefs can changes into something bigger. – Lily
My Jewish dreams include learning more about Judaism, the current events in Israel, and becoming a bat mitzvah. I also wish to continue returning to GUCI to learn more about Judaism. I also want peace for Israel. This relates to the mourners Kaddish because it talks about peace for all of the Jewish people. It also talks about celebrations of life. For example, becoming a Bat Mitzvah celebrates your life as a Jewish child and becoming a Jewish adult. I hope my dreams will help me along my Jewish journey. [Name redacted by wish of camper]
Kaddish Yatom
At GUCI we can discover how we want to live our lives as Jews. Camp has made me realize that Judaism is something I want incorporated into my daily life. My personal dream is to help continue the Jewish traditions that run through my family, on to future generations to come. As we come to the ending of the service I hope you all realize it is important to pursue our dreams. [Name redacted by wish of camper]