Cabin 4 Service
Cabin 4 Service: Saving the World
Goldman Union Camp Institute
June 17, 2013
Opening Song
Tonight our service theme is saving the world. It only takes one person to lead in the Bar’chu and only one person to make a difference in the world. So saving the world is a value to me because I don’t want the world to be a giant landfill, and I would like to be one of those people to make the world a better place. – Emily
Yes, this is my first summer here, but it is also known as the best summer ever. In my school we have barely any Jews, and that makes it hard. That’s why seeing that I am not the only one who goes to temple and says prayers makes me feel like I am not the only one who stands out. This is some of the reasons why GUCI is so holy to me. I would do anything to save it and make a difference here. – Addi
Ma’ariv Aravim
Ahavat Olam
The first year I came to camp and heard about Tikkun Olam, I thought about it and was like, that sounds boring. But when I experienced it for the first time, I ended up loving it. Even though Tikkun Olam sounds like you can just start working, you really have to listen to others to know what to do. The Sh’ma taught me to listen to others, and listen to myself in many different ways. –Emmi
Sh’ma/ V’ahavata
When I first came to GUCI, I had only heard about saving and mending the world; I had never experienced it hands on. Anyone could “listen” and understand the concept but only GUCI can show you. Saving the world doesn’t just mean picking up people’s litter or not using too much water, but it means kindness and respect. The world is so much better with happiness. –Talia
Mi Chamocha
Every day I try to make an impact on the world. Whether it is holding a door or donating money, it makes a difference. Here at camp, we save the world by doing Tikkun Olam. Tikkun Olam is mending or saving the world. That is our contribution. By saving the world, it makes it more holy. In shiur this year, we learned about what is holy and what is not. By making peace, and cleaning up the camp, it makes it so much more holy. At services, is it all dirty and unpeaceful? No. People clean it up and just pray and sing. In the Hashkiveinu, it talks about thanking God for offering us sleep, shelter, peace, and protection. Any good deed you perform, any kind words or piece of trash picked up is saving the world. –Sara
God created the world that we live in. That means our job is to save it. God created people, and our job is to respect others. When I came to GUCI last year, I didn’t know anyone. When I got to know people it felt great, because they were very kind to me. This year, I met new people, and I was very kind to them. That’s why I believe that when you’re kind to others, you are basically saving the world. –Zoe
At home my friends and I don’t always get along but here it is different. My cabinmates and I respect each other and treat each other well. When you’re nice to someone they make sure to be nice back and that’s a good feeling. – Samantha
Shalom Rav
I am so glad you all are here at GUCI. I love my friends and I love to sing. I save the world by being friendly. This makes me smile and helps others smile. Help the world by being nice to others. – Jessica
Silent Prayer
As Jews, right from the beginning we’re taught that it’s our duty to mend, fix, and save the world. This duty is not optional, but it is commanded in the Torah. People tell me that I’m always being helpful and doing good deeds, but I don’t really notice, because the little things that I do, I recognize as doing good for the community. Most things are easy like picking up a piece of trash and little things like that, people might not notice but in your gut you know you did a good, helpful deed. It’s very easy to do small mitzvahs and save the world, even if they are not always noticed. – Megan
When Abraham Lincoln became president did he know he was going to fix and shape this country into what it is today? When Christopher Columbus set out to sail did he know he would find a new world? And when Shakespeare began writing did he know his words would be read four hundred years later? No, they didn’t and do we even know now what we could be tomorrow, next week, next months, and even next years, because we are who we make ourselves. – Lydia
Kaddish Yatom
Closing Song