Garin Kallah Aleph Service
June 21st, 2013
Garin: This Summer I Learned
L’chu N’ranana page 130
L’chu n’ranana l’Adonai
Naria l’tzur yisheinu
Go forth singing songs of joy to God! We will shout to the rock of salvation!
Let us sing out to God, maker of all sure and strong
Let all of creation from mountain to sea hear our song!
For all of the wonder in all of God’s light, we rejoice
So now let us listen with all of our hearts to hear God’s voice!
L’cha Dodi page 138
At GUCI this summer I learned how to speak in Hebrew. It is very special to me because I am Jewish and Hebrew is the language of the Jews. – Zach
At GUCI this summer I learned how to be Jewish. Before I started camp, everything was a blur. Now, in services I can follow along, and all the songs are pretty familiar. It was good and fun learning new things. – Carrie
Please rise and turn to page 146 for the Barchu
Barchu page 146
At GUCI this summer I learned that all the places in GUCI in English and Hebrew. My favorite part is Shabbat because you can think of memories from the past like a screaming monkey. GUCI is the right place to learn. – Ainsley
At GUCI this summer I learned that here you can be more of yourself then at your house. That is what I learned here my first year and this one at GUCI. [Name redacted by wish of camper]
Please join in the Ma’ariv Aravim on page 148
Ma’ariv Aravim page 148
I learned that Shabbat is the day of rest. Also, I learned how to swim even better than I used to. – Nora
At GUCI this summer I learned about Shabbat and its symbols. These things have a much deeper meaning than I thought. I can’t wait to come back next year! – Max
Please turn to page 150
Ahavat Olam page 150
At GUCI this summer I learned that even if we are all Jewish we can still have different traditions, such as some people standing up and some people sittind down when singing the V’ahavta. – Jack
This summer at GUCI I learned a lot. The things I’ve learned were that Ivrit meant Hebrew. Also everyone can talk to God in their own way, like song session, praying, cheering and more. – Alexander
Please turn to page 152 and rise for the Sh’ma
Sh’ma/V’ahavta page 152
At GUCI this summer I learned a lot but I have much to learn at GUCI. It is special to me because I can learn so much more. – Jacob
At GUCI this summer I learned lots of prayers for Shabbat, services, and Jewish words. I felt amazing learning new things. – Abby S.
Please join on page 158
Mi Chamocha page 158
At GUCI this summer I learned how fun singing and praying can be. I came into GUCI not liking these. Now I can get joy out of them. – Martin
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Please turn to page 162
V’shamru page 162
V’shamru v’nei Yisrael et haShabbat l’asot et haShabbat l’dorotam
Brit olam beini u’vein b’nei Yisrael ot hi l’olam.
Ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz
U’vayom hashvi’i shavat vayinafash.
The people of Israel shall keep Shabbat, observing it in every generation as a covenant for all time. It is a sign forever between Me and the people of Israel, for in six days God made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day God rested from labor. (Exodus 31:16-17)
At GUCI this summer I learned more and more Hebrew and I like services better cause of camp. And I want to stay for 2 more weeks. – Lauren
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Please join with on page 163
A thought has blown the marketplace away.
There is a song on the wind and joy in the trees.
Shabbat has arrived in the world
Scattering a song in the silence of a night,
And eternity utters a day.
Please join in the Amidah on page one hundred and sixty six
Amidah page 166
At GUCI this summer I learned everyone at camp is family and so nice and Shabbat is a big deal. – Sarah
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Please turn to page 178 for the Shalom Rav
Shalom Rav page 178
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At GUCI this summer I learned to eat a fruit or vegetable in every meal so I stay healthy. – Anna
Please take a moment for silent prayer
Silent Prayer
At GUCI this summer I learned how to make Jewish art. It was really fun. I loved that on Shabbat you get to sleep in but I still woke up early. – Elyse
At GUCI this summer I learned I’m more fearless because of camp. I learned Shabbat is when God rests from his creations and that’s why we rest on Shabbat as well. – Sara
Please rise and turn to page 586 for the Aleinu
Aleinu page 586
At GUCI this summer I learned services aren’t just about the food after the service, but you need to enjoy services because they’re holy because that’s where we speak to God. – Benjamin
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Please rise and turn to page 598
Kaddish Yatom page 598
Oseh Shalom
Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu
V’al kol Yisra’el. V’imru: Amen.
May the One who makes peace in High Places make peace for us and for all the world. And let us say: Amen.