Cabin 14 Service
June 16th, 2013
Cabin 14 Service: Feeling Like a Community
Opening Song
Our community is big, but I don’t feel like I’m left out. The theme of our service is feeling like a community. There are not a lot of Jews in my community at home; in fact, it is only my family. So when I come to GUCI I don’t feel alone. It is significant that we can come together and pray like a family. The Barchu is important like a family is important because it brings us together. – Josh
As were about to say the Ahavat Olam, I would like you to think how having love for this camp and for each other is so important to this GUCI community, and communities within this big GUCI community. First, there is my cabin. In my cabin, or in any other cabin here, if you aren’t really nice to each other, you will not have a successful, happy cabin. Also, there is the community of GUCI. It is very important to love one another because if everyone was mean here, this camp would be the opposite of what it is today. Once again, as we’re about to say the Ahavat Olam, think about how important it is to have love for one another here at GUCI and everywhere else in this world. – Micah
Ma’ariv Aravim
Ahavat Olam
We are here to pray together. We are all in the GUCI community. Belonging to a tribe means belonging to a community. We all pray together as one community and we are all in the GUCI community. In our community we do many holy things and there are many holy places. We are in a Jewish community and pray together to God just like in the Sh’ma. Please rise for the Sh’ma. – Greg
The meaning of belonging to a tribe is basically belonging to a community. The Mi Chamocha is about Moses leading the Jews through the Red Sea, escaping from Egypt. Every community needs a leader. In the Mi Chamocha, Moses is the leader. He led the Jews (the community) through the open sea. Every one of the Jews belonged in the community because they were all Jewish and they all suffered in Egypt. I think this also relates to GUCI because GUCI is a huge community. We all belong in the GUCI community because we are all Jewish. We also have a leader just like Moses. Though we are all different, we still belong and respect each other. That is one of my favorite parts about GUCI. We all respect each other and have a lot of fun. – Charlie
Mi Chamocha
In a tribe everyone has the same beliefs, and in our community, the tribe is Judaism. And everyone in our community is able to believe whatever we want. Everyone has peace no matter whom or what they are. Each person can believe anything. In the community, peace will be there for you when you lie down at night and in the morning you get peace rising up. In all tribes you work as a team to get through challenges. So peace will come when you need it. Let us pray in the Hashkiveinu while God will grant us peace as we sleep tonight. – [Name redacted by wish of camper]
Shalom Rav relates to belonging to a community in very many ways. Peace is the main idea in Shalom Rav and a community should have peace. Everyone should cooperate and everyone should all have their part, just like GUCI. GUCI is a big community with harmony and peace. How we should all be in peace is to be organized and all remain to doing your part. Peace is a great thing. Everyone is happy and healthy. Peace should be everywhere and should not be forgotten. – Daniel
Shalom Rav
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Silent Prayer
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Kaddish Yatom
Closing Song