by jshkolnick | Jun 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
The Greatest Musical Of All Time By Rich KeitelProject Director A quick rundown of my background. I am a full tenured professor of theatre at Point Park University in Pittsburgh. I am also a professional director and equity actor with over 100 productions to my...
by jshkolnick | Jun 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
Cabin 5 Service Goldman Union Camp Institute June 24, 2013 Cabin 5: Jewish Dreams OPENING SONG Judaism is an endless sea of dreams. Reoccurring themes of peace and forever praising God are ever-present amongst countless prayers and writings of Judaism. In the Bar’chu,...
by jshkolnick | Jun 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
Cabin 17 Service Goldman Union Camp Institute June 19th, 2013 Cabin 17: Holy Moments OPENING SONG Holiness is a term that has a different meaning to everyone. I feel holy when I step onto the grounds of GUCI when the humid air swiftly touches my face. But the most...
by jshkolnick | Jun 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
Inch By Inch, Row By Row By Ben Diamond and Melanie AbzugTikkun Olam Specialists First started in the summer of 2004, Tikkun Olam is our community service project here at GUCI to help “mend the world.” Each morning during Roll Call, all of camp gathers to sing three...
by jshkolnick | Jun 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Wacky Science on Shoresh Day Off By Ari KalfusCommunications Specialist Shalom, GUCI family! If you are following us on Twitter, then you know that yesterday was Shoresh Day Off! SDO is a day for Shoresh to be together as a unit and to have a huge amount of fun. The...