Yom Israel
Monday we celebrated a very special day, Yom Israel. The day was planned and hosted by our four Israelis on staff.
Campers gathered in the Mercaz Tarbut to watch a movie about Israel and to learn a little bit more about our Israelis here at camp. Then they were split up into units to do individual programs that helped teach the campers about places in Israel, as well as the history.
Dinner was a meal straight out of Israel. There was shawarma, falafel, pita, and fresh fruit! The campers loved eating Israeli food and trying new things. Following dinner was a songsession full of songs that were all about Israel.
Evening program was recreating a Kibbutz (collective community). Every camper was split into groups and each group represented a part of the Kibbutz. They did different jobs that would be done in a real Kibbutz like a dairy and shoe factory.
The day then came to a close with T’fillot. Campers and counselors from every unit spoke about their connections with Israel.
Yom Israel was meant to educate campers on the importance of Israel and what role they play in keeping Israel a holy place, and it did just that. Campers had fun while learning about their heritage and connection to the country.