Danny Nichols Rocks GUCI
Danny Nichols is back at G.U.C.I. for the second time this summer. He just couldn’t miss rocking out with Kallah Bet campers and last night Danny put on a private concert.
After dinner campers headed down to the Mercaz Tarbut and anxiously awaited their favorite Jewish singer/songwriter to take the stage. Danny’s whole band was there to help put on the event for the evening.
Once on stage Danny immediately started rocking out with some old and new songs that everyone knew. Campers danced around the stage as they sang and listened to Danny’s silly antics. Along with songs he also told funny stories to keep the campers of any age entertained!
Following the concert, Danny transitioned the room and mood into T’fillah for the night. He combined poems, songs and his own words of wisdom for the service. Campers put their arms around each other while praying together. The room felt alive with spirit and love for this place. Honestly we have never felt anything like it before.
Danny brings out so many emotions for everyone on camp. The songleaders look up to him, the campers admire him and he inspires staff members. He is such an important part of the community here at G.U.C.I., in our songsessions and being apart of our programs. Not only are we singing along with him, we are learning from him at the same time. He teaches us important parts of the Torah through his songs and we sing them in many different programs everyday.
We have really enjoyed Danny being here this week and we can’t wait to keep learning from him and to see what he has in store for us next!