Kallah Aleph 2012 Comes To An End
Yesterday was the end of Kallah Aleph 2012. By nine a.m. families flooded camp and the cabin areas were packed with people. It was gratifying for staff to see the campers embrace their families and tell them all about the wonderful summer they just had!
And it was a wonderful summer indeed, full of many different activities. Every unit learned about being Partners with God in Shiur, our educational program. They discussed Jewish values and inspired each other with their individual opinions. They also had two bunk nights that helped them build relationships with their cabin mates and counselors. Additionally everyone learned to work together during Yom Sport and Tikkun Olam.
Along with our regular scheduled programs, the units had their trip days. Shoresh went on Shoresh Day Off, aka Reverse Yom. They had a fun filled day of backward activities on camp and then attended an Indianapolis Indians game. Geza had an awesome two days in the Chai-lands. They participated in fun games that represented Scotland and then went to see the movie “Brave”. Anaf went on their three-day camping trip called Kesher. They cooked and relaxed together as well hung out at the beach.
On the last night Max Klaben, Assistant Camp Director, gave the campers some tips on how to feel like they are still at camp, while at home.
- Do Tikkun Olam
- Do Toranoot at home- Help around the house
- Keep singing- especially in the shower and especially the Na Na song and the Shema- camp style of course
- Celebrate Shabbat and or plan a G.U.C.I. Style Shabbat at your Temple at home!
- Take one of the things you love to do at camp and do it at home (art, frisbee, drama, sports, video, learn to play a musical instrument, play cards, dance, etc.)
- Keep in touch with your friends and stay in touch with Camp- through our website, our temple visits, facebook pages and your counselors.
- Be proud to be Jewish wherever you are!
- Treat others how you want to be treated
- Share G.U.C.I. with others. Bring a friend to camp next year!
- Keep being your G.U.C.I. self wherever you are!
Max believes that “if you do these things camp will always feel close and before you know it, it will be Kallah Aleph 2013.”