kesher kallah aleph 2012
Last Monday Anaf packed up and shipped out for an exciting three-day camping trip off camp called, Kesher.
Anaf had been preparing for the trip all session long. Each morning they would attend their program that prepared them for the trip. They learned how to set up tents, turn on their lanterns, and plan programs for their group. By doing these things everyday, they were ready for the big trip.
The first day is always the most exciting. The campers settled into the camping ground, at Hardin Ridge Recreation Area, with their group and group leaders. They built their tents and set up their areas to make dinner. Once all the groups had finished setting up their living spaces for the day, each group worked together to make pasta for dinner. Making meals is a special time during Kesher. Each group really bonds and has fun while figuring out how they want to make each meal.
After dinner each night they have T’fillot (services). T’fillot during Kesher is different than being with the whole camp. It is a calming and intimate experience and you really feel closer to your friends and counselors. Along with services every night there is an evening program planned by a Kesher group. These are usually fun activities that everyone can be involved in.
The second day consisted of a beach day at a nearby lake, Paynetown Recreation Area. Campers were able to go on a Pontoon boat, which has a slide. While campers were waiting to go on the boat there were rotations of different activities planned by one of the Kesher groups. The rotations consisted of bubbles and card games, listening to music, a snack table and a sports area.
Later that evening there was an Iron Chef competition during dinner. Each group planned their own meals ahead of time and were able to make something amazing to use in the competition. Once each group had finished cooking, Jess Scheer the Anaf Unit Head, the head counselors and other Top Deck members went around as judges to try all of the food. After dinner and services, the unit joined together for a campfire. Songleaders led Anaf in song and campers were able to talk about their experiences at camp.
During the third and final day at the campground, Anaf made their last meal together and packed up their belongings. They headed back to camp to eat dinner, have services, and watch a movie in the Mercaz Tarbut before bed.
Kesher is very special and important trip for Anaf. It helps them bond together as a unit, learn how to work together, and teaches responsibility. Campers will always remember the times they had together on Kesher. Even as staff members we still talk about the times we had on Kesher, and will one day pass these stories to our kids.