by jshkolnick | Aug 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
GUCI's Congregation and Community I want to share one of my favorite stories with you: A young rabbi stood on the bima delivering his Yom Kippur sermon. Wanting to make a strong impression he banged on the lectern as he loudly delivered the line, “Every member of...
by jshkolnick | Aug 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
guci's final night Four weeks of new friends, old friends, sunscreen, flashlight time, singing and dancing, tefillot—and it all comes down to this night. The final night of camp is exciting and bittersweet—for our campers and our staff. Each one attempts to squeeze...
by jshkolnick | Aug 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
A King, A Bird, and A Story That Never Has To End This morning we heard a wonderful drash from Rabbi Nosanchuk, and we wanted to share it. There is a story told of long ago that a bird—a magnificent bird, the most beautiful bird in the world—which flew into a kingdom....
by jshkolnick | Aug 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
anaf's guci poetry For Anaf limud (our interactive educational program) this week we had each camper write down one word that describes camp for him or her. They then handed in their words and were given a new set of words, which were used to complete the below poems...