avodah's crews
Avodahnikim, or work/study participants at G.U.C.I., participate in four crews for two weeks each during the summer. K’ton, Kitchen, Maintenance, Office, Pool & Mirpaah (infirmary), Migdal, and Canoeing crews are the seven options that Avodahnikim can be assigned to. Each crew has a staff member who directs the group to help them accomplish the work and tasks.
K’ton crew has the opportunity to be counselors for G.U.C.I.’s day camp. We plan and run their programming and love spending time with the kids, while getting a sneak peak at being a counselor.
Kitchen crew is responsible for the dining hall and kitchen, cleaning after meals and setting up for meals, dishes, basically everything except cooking the actual food. On kitchen crew, we quickly become best friends with the Hobart, the industrial dishwasher, and have learned exactly how long it takes to fill the camp dumpsters.
Office crew works in the center of the entire camp, the office. Here we fill canteen, sort mail, answer the phones, send bunk notes, type and copy programs and services, and much more. This is where we really get the opportunity to learn about the administration of camp.
Pool & Mirpaah, or the infirmary, crew are a bit different that the others because they are one large crew with two smaller crews within that switch after one week. Pool crew maintains camp’s two pools as well as helping watch the campers in the pool and teach instructional swim. Pool crew also maintains the grounds of the athletic field. Mirpaah crew works with the infirmary staff to keep camp healthy and clean. This crew is a great way to get to know campers and help them get back into the game of camp when they are not feeling so hot.
Migdal crew is exactly what it sounds like. We help campers climb the tower and support the Migdal staff members.
Canoeing crew assists in running the canoeing program for Gezah and Anaf campers. We help the cabins and the canoeing staff members that are canoeing that day.
No matter what four crews we are assigned to it’s guaranteed for us to make an impact on camp and have fun doing it. Without our crews there wouldn’t be the glue that holds the magic of camp together.