opening day at guci
“It’s opening day at G.U.C.I.! It’s opening day today! We are all here to say ‘hip hip hooray’, it’s opening day today!”
Today is opening day at camp G.U.C.I.! Breakfast was filled with excitement as counselors finalized their cabin themes and gushed about how excited they were for the campers to get here. By lunch, everybody was in their staff shirts and waiting not so patiently for the gates to open. As happens every summer, some campers ran to see their old friends from summers before as new campers nervously met their counselors and cabin mates. It is now late afternoon and every cabin has done some cabin bonding and in units, they are busy learning their unit cheers. The Ruach in this camp is palpable. As always, the first few days of camp are an adjustment for campers but the counselors at G.U.C.I. are ready to help every single child and teen have a successful and incredible summer. We are working hard to set these campers up for success and really get to know each and every individual camper who comes this summer. It’s going to be an incredible summer filled with Ruach, Jewish learning, and best friend making. G.U.C.I. is a magical place and today is the day that the magic starts for Kallah Bet 2011.
Pamela Schuller
Inclusion Specialist and Parent Liaison